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⁌ If a man harbor in his house a male or female slave who has fled from the palace or from a freeman, and do not bring him (the slave) forth at the call of the commandant, the owner of that house shall be put to death. . x�b```�Vv;!b`��0pL`r��e``\du�cy)D�+I6kf���gˎ� �Q��!��`6i�+F2L��x8r�[tx.h��8�U�Ԡv�M�Q�B�7�D?s��fbk� � In fact, I am of opinion that an edition of an Assyrian or Babylonian text which is to be final must go back to the originals. IV, 2, it-ta-aṣ-bat, 21, 46; it-ta-aṣ-ba-at, 9, 2, 25, 29, 22, 3, 26, 29, 37, 81. ⁌ If a man hire a laborer, from the beginning of the year until the fifth month, he shall pay 6 SE of silver per day; from the sixth month till the end of the year he shall pay 5 SE of silver per day. If the husband of the woman would save his wife, or if the king would save his male servant (he may). The Text as presented in Plates I-LXXXII has been reconstructed and edited from the photographs published by Scheil in Tome IV, Textes Élamites-Sémitiques of the Mémoires de la Délégation en Perse (Paris, Leroux, 1902). Rodion Raskolnikov and »compulsive confession« in psychoanalysis. II, 2, ur-ta-ab-bu-u, 23, 5; ur-ta-ab-bi-šu, 32, 36. ⁌ If an agent obtain money from a merchant and have a dispute with the merchant (i. e., deny the fact), that merchant shall Edition: current; Page: [37] call the agent to account in the presence of god and witnesses for the money obtained and the agent shall give to the merchant threefold the amount of money which he obtained. II, 1, u-ša-lam, to make good, restore: 20, 79, 38, 87; u-ša-lam-ši-im-ma, 23, 23, 26, 15; u-ša-lam-šim-ma, 25, 8; u-ša-la-mu-ši-im, 29, 10; mu-ša-al-li-mu-um, guardian, protecting, 40, 43. May Belit, the august mother, whose command is potent in E-kur, who looks with gracious favor upon my plans, in the place of judgment and decisions pervert his words in the presence of Bel! This version has been converted from the original text. Specifically, it is built on law that—Dike, which is related to fate, must come to the sinner; that the doer must suffer. of the gate into the public common, the shepherd turn the sheep into the field, and pasture the sheep on the field, the shepherd shall oversee the field on which he pastures and at the time of harvest he shall measure out sixty GUR of grain per ten GAN to the owner of the field. ⁌ If a man bring a present to the house of his father-in-law and give a marriage settlement and the father of the daughter say, “I will not give thee my daughter;” he (i. e., the father-in-law) shall double the amount which was brought to him and return it.
⁌ If a man give his orchard to a gardener to manage, the gardener shall give to the owner of the orchard two-thirds of the produce of the orchard, as long as he is in possession of the orchard; he himself shall take one-third. This is an E-book formatted for Amazon Kindle devices. These later fragments, with transliteration and translation, will form one of the Appendices to Part II. I, 1, to count, to reckon: i-ma-an-nu-u, 17, 5; i-ma-an-nu-ši, 24, 59. . I, 1, to acquire, to appropriate, to receive: ir-šu-u, 27, 52, 29, 82, 30, 2, 14; ir-ši-a, 40, 92; i-ra-aš-šu-u, 12, 33, 41, 5. . I, 1: arnam i-im-mi-du, to be in the wrong, to have blame, 29, 23. ⁌ If a father present a dowry to his daughter, who is a concubine, and give her to a husband and write a deed of gift; after the father dies she shall not share in the goods of her father’s house. Code d'hammurabi - Commentaire de texte - Yacine Ben'sCode d'hammurabi. ⁌ If it be the servant of a man, he shall pay one-third mana of silver. My words are weighty; my deeds are unrivaled . II, 2, to establish, prove: uk-ti-in, 5, 61, 21, 29; uk-ti-in-šu, 5, 30, 36. ⁌ If a man steal the property of a god (temple) or palace, that man shall be put to death; and he who receives from his hand the stolen (property) shall also be put to death. ⁌ If a man be on a journey and he give silver, gold, stones or portable property to a man with a commission for transportation, and if that man do not deliver that which was to be transported where it was to be transported, but take it to himself, the owner of the transported goods shall call that man to account for the goods to be transported which he did not deliver, and that man shall deliver to the owner of the transported goods fivefold the amount which was given to him. T, Code of Hammurabi and also majority of the Code / law it talks about a man of rank and, what he can not do and about if some not of rank does something to a man of rank and, The Code of Hammurabi tells the lives and duties of men of rank were, considered very highly and treated with utmost respect. II, 1, to make great, to enlarge, to bring up, to cultivate: u-ra-ab-bu-u, 30, 49; u-ra-ab-ba, 16, 16, 23, 3; u-ra-ab-bu-šu, 32, 69; u-ra-ab-bu-u-šu, 32, 79; u-ra-ab-ba-šu, 10, 50; mu-ra-bi-šu, 32, 87, 33, 3, 15; mu-ra-bi-ti-šu, 33, 5; mu-ra-bi-zu, 33, 17.
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