After the next museum night, we are planning a critical friend protocol of looking at student work schoolwide to determine quality.”, —Jill Levine, principal; Judy Solovey, curriculum facilitator; and Joyce Tatum, UbD cadre member and museum liaison, Normal Park Museum Magnet School, Chattanooga, Tennessee, A. It also provides a framework and a toolkit of research-based best practices that have been proven effective in helping educators to promote understanding-based results for learning, expand the range of assessment tools and processes they use to monitor student achievement, and enhance their design of instructional activities to promote high levels of student achievement. ASCD respects intellectual property rights and adheres to the laws governing them. Staff misperceptions that it is a stand-alone program. “[The greatest challenge is] rethinking one's approach to curriculum design and moving from coverage to uncoverage.”, A. If we are going to design units based on student understanding, we need to first be very clear on which type of understanding we’re looking for in a given unit. Monday through Friday What enabling knowledge (facts, concepts, principles) and skills (processes, procedures, strategies) will students need in order to perform effectively and achieve desired results? This question guides our exploration throughout this book. Each of the letters in this acronym corresponds to key instructional design questions educators should always consider when planning learning activities: W = How will you help your students to know. (1998). “[There is] too much emphasis on unit design. How does Understanding by Design support your work with student achievement of district and state standards, especially as measured by state and local accountability testing programs? Overall, the backward design process is a flexible set of guidelines that can be entered from a variety of points in the process, rather than a prescription for planning. Our greatest challenges have occurred in areas that have been traditionally skills-oriented [such as reading in primary grades and math in secondary grades].”, A. What activities will equip students with the needed knowledge and skills? Accessibility information. "Understanding by Design Study Guide." Its ability to provide a common, consensus-driven language related to research-based best practices in the areas of curriculum, assessment, instruction, and professional development. Erroneous assumptions that teaching for understanding is for the gifted and talented only. All rights reserved. Teachers need to complete a unit design and go through a peer review to have a basic understanding of what UbD is all about. It is not designed to tell teachers what or how to teach; it is a system to help them teach more effectively.

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