Plot Keywords I'm not sure what you mean by methods, other than the fact that Spurlock worked closely with doctors and was examined regularly while taking part in the experiment. One of the themes of the film is food addiction; the premise is that fast food is actually addictive because after eating it for a little while, going without it creates cravings and physical responses much like those side-effects created in people addicted to nicotine who feel terrible between cigarettes. The camera captures the director’s highs and lows as he sets out on his unhealthy diet and demonstrates to the viewers the effects of eating fast food. View Wikipedia Entries for Super Size Me…. The theme of misleading marketing is raised in the film when it becomes apparent that the fast food corporations know perfectly well that they are damaging the health of its consumers but are desperate to hide this fact and obfuscate the consequences of eating fast food every day. The film “ Super Size Me ” is a 2004 part documentary film, part health experiment directed by and featuring American Indie filmmaker, Morgan Spurlock. Spurlock successfully completes the 30 experiment, faithfully adhering to the conditions set. | will review the submission and either publish your submission or provide feedback.

Each item on the menu had to be tried at least once, and no medicines or vitamins could be taken. 2. Taglines Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock makes himself a test subject of this documentary about the commercial food industry. He is given a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, Super Size French Fries and a 42-ounce soft drink. This is the documentary that caused a sensation at Sundance 2004 and allegedly inspired McDonald's to discontinue its "super size" promotions as a preemptive measure. After you claim a section you’ll have 24 hours to send in a draft. Zum Teil tranken sie Speiseöl, um diese Energiezufuhr zu erreichen.

What would happen if you ate nothing but fast food for an entire month? this section. Morgan Spurlock hingegen war während seines Experiments schon 34 Jahre alt.) Die von Spurlock praktizierte Ernährung ist nicht nur im Hinblick auf Fastfood problematisch- wer täglich drei große Mahlzeiten verzehrt und obendrein jegliche Bewegung aufgibt, lebt generell nicht gesund.

Super Size Me ist ein Doku-Drama des US-Regisseurs Morgan Spurlock, der McDonald’s und andere Fast-Food-Ketten kritisiert und deren Produkte als wichtige Ursache für das in den USA weit verbreitete starke Übergewicht darstellt. In it, Spurlock vows to eat three meals a day at McDonald's for one month. The rules? In the process of documenting the results of the “McDonald’s diet” or “McDiet” upon the director’s physical and psychological health, Spurlock is both surprised and appalled as he discovers not only the detrimental effects of the fast food giant’s products upon himself but also the vast influence that the fast food industry has over the lives of it’s customers---including how it promotes poor nutrition for the sake of profit. Two words: fast food. Parents Guide. Dennoch kommt im Film mit Jared Fogle ein Werbeträger von Subway ausführlich zu Wort, der angibt, mit zweimaliger täglicher Ernährung bei Subway 111 Kilogramm abgenommen zu haben. The doctors ran various tests to document all aspects of his health but the notable factors were that he had a healthy cholesterol level and a healthy triglyceride level charted at 43 by the gastroenterologist and 0. Super Size Me is the first ever reality-based movie where everything begins and ends in 30 days. He documented feeling sick and had withdrawal symptoms along with depression and a decrease in sexual performance. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. Spurlock's grueling drive-through diet spirals him into a physical and emotional metamorphosis that will make you think twice about picking up another Big Mac. For... Write a description of how the Cinematography and Editing were displayed in the film. The teams give their inputs and unanimously agree that Spurlock is in above average shape and in generally good health for a man measuring 6’2 weighing 185 lbs. After you claim a section you’ll have 24 hours to send in a draft. His cholesterol increased by sixty five points and his triglycerides had soared to hazardous levels, and his liver was what one doctor claimed as “toxic. He was also under medical and dental care after the experiment was concluded. your own paper. Auch werden einige Tricks der Werbestrategen benannt, die auf Kinder abzielen, wie etwa essbare Zigaretten, die später bei den Kindern die angenehmen Gefühle reproduzieren sollen, wenn sie auf die Marke zugreifen. [6][7] Für die 18 Probanden (zwölf Männer, sechs Frauen, alle Anfang 20 und sportlich. All three main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and all food to be eaten must come from McDonald’s only. Spurlock’s film follows a 30-day period from February 1 to March 2, 2003, during which he ate only McDonald’s food. Diese Auswirkungen seien allein durch die einseitige Ernährung nicht zu erklären. Factual Reporting and Fast Food: Is SuperSize Me Trustworthy ?

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