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Keep in mind that YouDao was made for Chinese users.
All rights reserved. The app will recognize characters via the camera and define them. HanziCraft is a great resource for those of you interested in the specific breakdown of radicals and strokes in Chinese characters. If you want an actual dictionary with sentence examples and in-depth definitions, maybe this shouldn't be the only app on your phone. While it may be hard to use for beginners and intermediate speakers, it’s perfect for advanced Chinese learners. Another cool add-on feature Pleco has is the OCR (optical character recognition) feature. Register to enjoy these benefits and much more.
While in the general dictionary you will find usual words and expressions from the famous publisher Collins, in the Collaborative Dictionary you will discover slang terms, technical translations, familiar words and expressions, regionalisms that are difficult to find in the traditional online dictionaries.
This works both ways; users can type in English phrases and find their meanings in Chinese as well. User contributions are the best method to include the newest colloquial and regional Chinese expressions to the online dictionary. A newer feature the app has is the OCR tool, however we found it to be a little faulty when it came to certain font types. One nice feature about Line Dictionary is the “Sentence Parser”, similar to Pleco’s “Clipboard Reader” feature. New ways of interpreting words in Chinese or translating Chinese phrases to English develop all the time. R everso offers you the best tool for learning English, the Chinese English dictionary containing commonly used words and expressions, along with thousands of Chinese entries and their English translation, added in the dictionary by our users.
However, as previously mentioned, single English words and phrases can be translated into Chinese via the Dictionary tool. You can search for a certain character, like “安” and see the different components. The translation will automatically pop up. You can also type words in English to find the Chinese translation in the Chinese-English dictionary. Translate a Chinese word to English by typing it in the search box provided above. - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. If you type a Chinese word, YouDao also includes the Chinese definition for that word, very similar to The app features a clean, fairly intuitive, easy-to-use design. Read more about TutorMing's Pinyin app here: We hope that was helpful, and that you use these resources to supplement your Chinese learning! To find the exact Chinese translation in the Chinese to English dictionary there are several filters to help you.
She grew up in Beijing, before going to the University of Southern California (USC) to get her degree in Social Sciences and Psychology. YouDao is the Merriam-Websters of Chinese dictionaries. You can join in on the fun at and help us make the Chinese-English dictionary the best and biggest online dictionary resource in the world. For the ones performing professional translations from Chinese to English, the specialized terms found in our dictionary are very helpful. For English learning, it offers VIPABC, TutorABC, and TutorABCJr. In the same search bar, you can type either pinyin for Chinese phrases, or English words.
This authoritative resource offers language learners everything they need for online lookup, and includes Pinyin throughout the dictionary to help learners of Mandarin with pronunciation.
You can paste an entire sentence in Chinese and it will “analyze” it, reorganizing the sentence with spaces and pinyin so you can better read it. Chinese <> English online translation. While we have yet to roll out with a Chinese dictionary app, we hope our Pinyin will be helpful in teaching you how to pronounce new Chinese words.
Chinese-English dictionary : translate Chinese words into English with online dictionaries. TutorGroup offers TutorMing for Chinese learning. Besides English-to-Chinese, YouDao also offers Chinese-to-Japanese, Chinese-to-Korean, and Chinese-to-French dictionaries. Update: An earlier version of this post stated that Pleco's handwriting feature was not free. Chinese <> English dictionary, monolingual Chinese dictionary and other resources for the Chinese language. For the ones performing professional translations from Chinese to English, the specialized terms found in our dictionary are very helpful. If you want to pay for the Pro version, it also offers the same OCR as Pleco, allowing you to take pictures of Chinese words you don’t know and the App will find the matching character and definition. This is a great resource for those who need to look up unknown characters and don’t feel like shelling out the extra money to buy the feature in Pleco or Hanping. When you have found the word you were searching for click the link to get to the Chinese-English dictionary.
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