rcds.appendChild(rcel); Hull is the worst place to live in the UK? You can personalise what you see on TSR. https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/life/842586/worst-uk-town-north-hull No middlesborough is the worst place to live in the UK. We will use your email address only for sending you newsletters.

It is easy to spot a **** in Hull – the lads have some form of cap (usually stolen and branded and the security alarm will ring if they dare enter Debenhams) they are gaunt people, like vicious Hobbits (Gollums if you like) with humps on backs, yellowish skin, 6 stone, sleep in corner of eyes, will say “wot u lookin at silly ****” if you dare to cross their vision path with your eyes – and “arll knock ya owt u daft ****” if you look twice – but fear not – stand up to these people and they usually back down if they aren’t in a gang – the reply of “come on then silly ****” usually confuses and disorientates them into complete submission, but if there is a chippy nearby doing doner meat and chips for £2 you had better run like **** because this is **** dominatated area!
I could mention some of the tricks they used to get stock out of the store but there are too many to list. Ahh Hull, **** town of the North. More gold or should that be ‘classy gauld’ than Mr.T my mental health is so bad lately, i feel like a failure. Quick tips on getting your accommodation sorted, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course. -Just PREY you never need petrol at 2am on a sunday morning! They were even pleasant enough to visit a number of my friends to relieve them of the burden of materialistic posessions. You can GUARANTEE around Post Office opening time on Jameson Street and giro collection in person at Britannia House that you will see them in abundance because they are all mysteriously (homeless) i.e-homeless in Hull means (“me MAMS kicked me out and I stop over at a lasses on Orchard Park or Bransholme with 6 kids all by different dads, and she is expecting a 7th to me to accompany Britney, Whitney, Courtney, Billie-Joe, Callum, Brooklyn and whatever name they can find off Trisha or Kilroy and I need to be as near to me MAMS as possible, even though she kicked me out????). It's a good place to be a student - very affordable, plenty going on and a great atmosphere. Ahh Hull, **** town of the North. Northamptonshire, Essex, the West Midlands, South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, Cambridgeshire, Kent, London and Lincolnshire make up the remaining 10 worst places to live. The **** lads have a love for cheap jewelry also – cheap gold is a must if you want to shag a ********, anything classier will confuse them, but the baseball cap MUST be at 35 degrees or they won’t get a shag. Well, i’m looking forward to the response to this, especially from anyy ***** using a stolen pc or laptop. (function() { ), As someone else mentioed in an earlier post, the nightclub for the vermit has to be L.A’s. Do such accolades come easily? It could be said that Hull is a total dump and would be better used for some sort of “Escape From New York” style prison without giving the local peasants a chnce to leave before building the 30 foot high, razore-wire topped walls. With Hull voted the UK City of Culture 2017, it might come as a surprise to learn Humberside has been voted the 'worst region' to live in, in the UK this morning. Trade, already at record levels, is getting a new boost from delivery of the world’s biggest ferries. var referer="";try{if(referer=document.referrer,"undefined"==typeof referer||""==referer)throw"undefined"}catch(exception){referer=document.location.href,(""==referer||"undefined"==typeof referer)&&(referer=document.URL)}referer=referer.substr(0,700); Hull is a City made up almost entirely of Council Estates and as such must have the country’s highest concentration of ****, a short drive around the City (Windows up and Doors locked) will show the wide range of ***** that have prospered under the control of the Labour Council. What the **** stupid lass?

Please see our Privacy Notice for details of your data protection rights. Students to stay on campus for Christmas. As General Melchette said, when given the choice; “Of course, Oxford’s a right dump!”. rcel.id = 'rc_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000); Humberside has been voted the 'worst region' in the UK to live in, Trying for a baby? No one understands! The Student Room, Get Revising and Marked by Teachers are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. His ‘*****. However, it was shown to be a potentially dangerous place to be caught in a house fire, coming 24th out of 38 regions for number of fire staff per household intensity, and 16th for its schools.

With Hull voted the UK City of Culture 2017, it might come as a surprise to learn Humberside has been voted the 'worst region' to live in, in the UK this morning. any night you want, just pop in.

The Chavetts that are not pregnant before they reach their teens are so ugly that even ***** won’t shag them. Here's why TOMORROW is likely to be your lucky day. It seemed really friendly, and I was sad to leave afterwards! I think not, unless you have the gift for apathy, mindless vandalism and staggering stupidity inherent in the average post-war Hullian. The study - by comparison platform, B.heard - is the first to combine nationally published government statistics with public opinion surveys.
order back issues and use the historic Daily Express then came matching over asking me if ‘u gotta ****** problem?’ in the worst soundin fake american gansta accent i have ever heard. We have a brilliant team of more than 60 Support Team members looking after discussions on The Student Room, helping to make it a fun, safe and useful place to hang out.

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