Copyright В© 2021 GotoHoroscope, all rights reserved. After that we were talking about environmental disasters and the moons were just byproducts of bad environmental activities that humans perform. In my dream I saw full moon came to me, entered in my room through window (window was open) and I hold her with love and respect. I had a dream that I was on the moon. The dream suggests your desire to be looked up to. Our dreams like a window to inner world could open for us the truth meaning of what is going to happened in nearest future. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. I saw a crescent moon, as if it was talking to me but I paid no attention to it. There was a white or gold line connecting the both of them. I could still hear all of our breathing.

I was walking on the highway, all cars where stopped and there was fire everywhere. Airplanes colliding in dream is a premonition for opportunities, access, control, secrets, freedom, knowledge or responsibilities. But I was researching Nibiru and multiverse theories at the time so that definitely could have played a role.

Perhaps at this time of your life you finally faced all of your problems, even if it happened unexpectedly.Read more…, When you are dreaming of having an agreement it symbolizes final solution to a collision, it shows a final resolution to a problem or conflict. Dream about airplane crash in water points at the things in your life that you do to make yourself feel good. You are subconsciously rebelling against authority. I keep having dreams about the moon. What does it mean. Despite this confusion though, there can often be some very telling insights about the moon as seen in a dream. In general, dreams about driving reflect your control in waking life.

I really don't know what that meant. For easer dream interpretation we offer our A-Z Dream Dictionary that as we hope will be of assistance in dream meaning translation process.

The moon as a dream symbol is interesting because it means in dreams just what it means in waking life. Since I saw some threads on dreaming, and I saw some conversation on a chan about the almost exact same dreams people had, I felt I should get a consensus. The dream is also slowly eroding the more I think about it.
There was fireworks. The information that is given the dream dictionary will usually be too general and it can be tough to apply to certain aspects of your life, even with the dream definition. I kept gazing at it, and it felt like there's somewhat like a barrier between me and the moon. Then a shooting star shot out and then there were fire works Then a shooting star shot out and then there were fire works ??

Usually I get overwelmed and wake up before anything happens, but last night was different.
This sub is meant to be a place to discuss the effect under the presupposition that for whatever reason, *it is really happening,* at the exclusion of the theory of Confabulation. I looked up in the sky and the clouds started moving where I could see what was behind them.

also don't know if you're being sarcastic or not lol. Ask the Astrologer if you got any personal issues or questions. In 1 second I was in an other place. You need to be on guard or alert about a situation. Are you wondering how we may all be connected? I dream that there was 5 full moon when I looked up four together one apart I keep telling others if they see the moons but nobody did, I just had this dream last night but idk what it means. ESA has awarded a contract to start the detailed design, manufacturing and testing of Hera, which it describes as its first mission for planetary defence. 3 days later, here I am.

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