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I suggest you write this previously (like you did it in Ch9:Guards), is very helpful. This author has not credited anyone else in this file, This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. Hotkeys to equip items may function differently now. Fixed an issue where the Helgen intro scene could fail to progress. For the reason of some incompatibility and overwrite archives of another mod, I never know when install all, choose one and overwrite previous archives, and when use TES5edit and Loot during mod installation . Fixed an issue where tempered equipment looted from NPCs were predominantly found at 100% health. And I brought it to the Skyrim SE Nexus because this mod is awesome . Widgets: icons that represent your equipment's health before degrading can now be configured to display anywhere on your screen. It doesn't cover how to create a new item. To counteract this, this mod offers options to configure hotkeys to automatically equip a weapon of a certain type from your inventory. Added item breakage feature. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account, Allows Armor and Weapons to Degrade as you travel and fight. Step 1: Loading the Skyrim Master File. Weapons and armor (in NPC's inventory, in containers, dropped) are randomly tempered. Now you’ll have battles in such hold cities such as Falkreath, Markarth and Riften. - Recommended MOD An Equipment Repair Kit is a portable item that will allow you to temper and examine weapons and armor anywhere. Item breakage system now comes in 3 options: classic, default and progressive. Save first. NPCs now have access to tempered/enchanted items that were previously only available to you. Extended slider to 100 instead of jsut 20. Fixed an issue where enchanted item chances were extremely low. Artifacts cannot break. So this mod is really cool, I’ve never used the Oldrim version, but I really glad the Special Edition one was ported. For your other question I saw a mod a while back that let you harvest feathers from chickens but I can't remember the name. The mod in question is called Skyheim (appropriate) and brings Skyrim's magic into the mix in a balanced way. Select Workshop Files under Actions. However, they will always loot potions, food, ammo and gold. Daedric Artifacts. Related: Skyrim: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Khajiit. It's pretty surprising that a game like Skyrim, with so much nature, doesn't have a camping system. Click here to learn how. type: help "item" without brackets. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Find the best mods for your game Finding and installing your favorite mods is easier than ever before. This means a lvl 1 NPC has no chance of receiving a anything higher than Superior while a lvl 50 NPC can receive Flawless or higher. richmond_b at fo rletting me use his whetstone. Mod-makers also enjoy a streamlined process for uploading mods directly to Steam. In Skyrim you need to set the body slot used by a piece or armour in two places: In the Dismemberment data of the nif file; In the Armor addon and Armor items in the Creation Kit; IMPORTANT: The body slot you set in the nif file and in the CK must be the same, or your armour will be invisible in game. To do this, we will first load up the Skyrim master file so we can see all the items in the game. By Marcousik, original version at, This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions. :) Fixed an issue where offhand weapons (while dual wielding) were immune to degradation/breakage. Unsubscribing from a mod can be done in two ways: Go into the Steam client and log into Community. Skyrim has one of the largest modding communities out there, so players have so many different options at their disposal. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Thank you again! Log in to view your list of favourite games. These markers make almost every single location in the game have a marker, which makes exploring the various regions more handy than ever.. Quick traveling will no … Added options to configure hotkeys to automatically equip a weapon of a certain type from your inventory. Best Regards. The easiest way to create your own items is to edit a current item. For players who do not want to toggle off time degradation on armor. On top of that it also adds equipment degradation … Springwood… Whetstones to repair weapons, thanks to richmondb . on that new save and finally reinstalling Loot and Degradation. Scrollo up to look for it in the list presented (pgup/pgdn). Re-balancing: overall degradation rates slightly increased, breakage chances decreased, cloth item break chance decreased since they cannot be tempered. Copyright © 2021 Robin Scott. While these are two very different games, one Valheim mod brings Skyrim's magic into the mix. All rights reserved. The main steps to make an existing item craftable and upgradable for Skyrim are: A Quality World Map. Code consists of 8 numbers and letters. ・Player and follower items, quest items are not randomly tempered. Original mod author added the ability to check degradation status on an item when first equipped. Loot and Degradation - the amazing immersion mod is now on Skyrim Special Edition.NPCs now have access to tempered/enchanted items that were previously only available to you. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition became one of first games to support mods on console when it released on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in 2016. Download link. In previous versions this feature only applied to NPCs killed by the player but now applies to NPCs killed by anything. Thanks < > This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points. Thank you very much! Degradation rate and break chance now scales with material type. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Find the best mods for your game Finding and installing your favorite mods is easier than ever before. However, items improved using this kit will degrade faster than items improved at a grindstone, workbench or NPC. Fixed an issue where offhand weapons weren't showing up as a widget. There is also a campfire patch that lets you harvest stuff from trees or it could have been part of the hunterborn mod too. 14. What you could try is uninstalling Loot and Degradation, making a new save after you uninstalled it and running a save cleaner Added Slider to set hoe many days before armor degrades one point. Atlas Map Markers. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. ・Quest items and bound weapons are not broken. ・How much tempering depends on the level of NPC. Tempered item fix by original author: bug corrected when euipping armor/shields from guards, fix by original mod author, fixes issues with silver swords and great swords, allows unique weapons and armor to degrade and be repairable, tons of code added to lessen log errors with NONE objects, code added to stop freezing in skyui menu - checks to see if player is in menu mode and pauses scripts if he is, Added toggle to stop Armor Degradation over time. Added dialogue option to have NPCs temper items to their max skill level instead of one temper level at a time. into the search box at the left-hand side of the page and then click on the magnifying glass image or press the Enter key on your keyboard. New In version 1.5 : Broken Weapons and Armors can now be repaired by a blacksmith. Didn't want people downloading the current version and didn't want to take up a slot as a hot file when it was hidden. Check Out This Mod. This mod simply re-adds all of the deleted civil war content that Bethesda removed for whatever reason. Weapons and armor that actors are equipped will be degraded when attacking or getting hit. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Now this mod doesn’t allow you to place your own map markers, but it does add over 700 new map markers to all of the Skyrim maps (including all of the DLC maps).. NPCs now only loot items above a gold value of 15 (configurable). There is even more content for those who want to mess around with mods. I'm reworking the mod to simply use the tempering states so improved items will degrade from legendary to epic to flawless, etc.. Should be less of a headache for me and less problems for you. No ESP file. Requires SkyUI. The chance to break increases if blocking with a weapon or getting hit with a power attack but decreases as temper quality improves. ・The degradation rate is not constant. Loot and Degradation - German Translation, Loot and Degradation - Traduzione Italiana, Loot and Degradation - Polish Translation, Breakable Circlets for Loot and Degradation, Loot and Degradation armorbreak sound replacer. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. Fee is 50 gold per point degraded. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. Added requirement to code that NPCs cannot be filled as aliases if performing idle animation. Solitude gets a shot in the arm with this player home mod that injects some high-life beauty into the city. Optimized and fixed a few issues related to the NPCs Loot feature. Given just how many mods players have to choose from, it says a lot when one of them rises to the top and becomes one of the most popular within the game's community. - Notes ・Spells do not degrade equipment. What’s more, the mod is fully compatible with vampirism and lycanthropy. Realistic hunger, thirst, cooking, food spoilage, sleep, and camping are all there to spice up your adventuring in the most realistic way possible. Awesome Guide, wanna try it in my Skyrim. Weapon Mods are mods that add new weapons to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim or change the weapons that are already in the vanilla game, whether by changing textures or modifying statistics. All rights reserved. Basically, here’s the break down, Loot and Degradation distributes tempered and enchanted weapons and armor to the enemies of Skyrim. Edited by PhenomFazMFQ, 09 December 2018 - 10:13 PM. Every time the Skyrim launcher is started, it will automatically download the latest version of any subscribed mods. 1 Weapon Mods (Skyrim) 2 Mods 2.1 Axes 2.2 Swords 2.3 Ranged 2.4 Magic 2.5 Weapon and Armor Pack 2.6 Weapon Packs 2.7 Weapon Enhancements There are many weapon mods for Skyrim… Steam Community: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. Tempered quality is now capped based on NPC level. Creation Kit: available on Steam (Menu option View -> Tools and then select Creation Kit) Making an item craftable for Skyrim. Skyrim's map is functional but boring. "Skyheim is a magic mod aimed at providing balanced progression and a reason to go back and slay bosses," says the mod's creator on Nexus. Fixed an issue where recently degraded items would not immediately reflect their updated damage/armor ratings. item = the item you are searching for Worked for me. NPC tempered chance at all levels reduced. A Quality World … Mod-makers also enjoy a streamlined process for uploading mods directly to Steam. Functional differences between this and the classic Skyrim version are none apart from the fact that this has been optimized to work with Skyrim SE as we can't use the old Skyrim version with Skyrim SE. Adds widgets that display weapons, armor and shouts that the player is currently equipped. His mod is at NPCs will now sometimes loot dead allies but will only loot potions, weapons and ammo. These are the items that are awarded by completing quest for the different … Added a whetstone to the mod courtesy of modder richmondb, Support for SKyRe as of 2-26-2013 - Built into the mode no third file needed, Full automatic support for Ace Archery (because I like the mod, took 16 hours to do), Changed degradation pop up boxes to notifications. NPCs should now loot all instances of an item deemed lootable. Changes to the game's graphical settings were made through the game's Steam launch window, and the resulting SkyrimPrefs.ini settings were pushed through ModOrganizer 2, launched through the SKSE64 Loader. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Added option to enable Equipment Repair Kits. Fixed an issue where summoned NPCs could loot dead bodies. That mod is described as: The mod allows higher immersion by introducing degradation of armor and weapons, including those provided by many other mods. Today I am taking a look at the Loot and Degradation mod for Skyrim and Special edition. Added timed function to the widget hotkey. I've been playing with mods with since launch and haven't seen any mods that make equipment degrade. Eorlund Graymane can now temper artifacts and other unique items. All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You must get permission to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets, Weapons and Armor Degradation and Repair with MCM Menu Options. Click here to learn how. Skyrim has a ton of quality mods, and their numbers continue to grow as the community hones its skill and develops even more impressive additions to the base game. For that you can check this tutorial: Creating an armour for Skyrim; Required tools. Tempered items no longer retain their tempered state forever. If degradation is enabled, all tempered items will now be considered unique from each other even if they look identical in your inventory. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Fixed an issue where items tempered yourself would end up at 0% health. Copyright © 2021 Robin Scott. From 1 to 60 days. You can open "NoBreakForms.ini" to set items that are not broken. Tiny fonts on items with enchantments - posted in General Skyrim Discussion: It seems I've run into an issue where certain items with long descriptions for the enchant will shrink the font down to where the it is unreadable. Equipped gear has a chance to permanently break on use/hit. About this mod. From least durable to most durable: Wood, Fur, Leather, Iron, Steel, Elven, Falmer, Glass, Orcish, Dwarven, Ebony, Daedric, Dragon. Required tools. If placed last in load order this mod will try to use weapons and armors from other mods. Camps can be found… This is a MUST have for all civil war players. Added option to randomize the tempering delay. An insanely feature-rich mod that adds realistic needs and diseases to your Skyrim playthrough. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Once enabled, they can be crafted at a leather rack or purchased from blacksmiths. These mods were installed so as to unlock Skyrim's framerate limit, so that I could record the TRUE values my hardware was putting out, and not just "60". See the MCM for more details. Item Degradation, Equipement Repairs...Etc - posted in Skyrim Special Edition Mod Requests: So the idea is to give durability to weapons, Armor, Clothing and jewellery and a place/npc to REPAIR them when the their DuPs (Durability Points) are down, Also if and when, let say the player is fighting with an iron sword to the very end then reaches zero DuPs the iron sword is considered Broken making it completely useless but let say this iron … For players who do not want to toggle off time degradation on armor into Community is a MUST have all... Are the items in the arm with skyrim item degradation mod player home mod that injects some beauty... And follower items, quest items are not Broken tempered yourself would end up at 0 % health World! Quality improves are randomly tempered to look for it in Ch9: )! Will be displayed as favourites in this file, this author has not provided additional... Were n't showing up as a widget artifacts and other unique items on NPC level be! 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