}, I've already installed this $ npm install sass-loader node-sass webpack --save-dev as well, P.S. }. output: { I'm using vue2.0 rc.7 and vue-loader 9.5. You are using webpack 2, which changed how to pass config to loaders: https://vue-loader.vuejs.org/en/configurations/advanced.html. Can you try to update it and let me know if the issue persists? rules: [ This is the directory structure. extensions: ['*', '.js', '.vue', '.json'] Now you are telling me that I need to use some fucking braver plugin for that? NODE_ENV: '"production"' ] } When I import the the variables scss file in the components itself, it works. This is where we will store all of our SCSS for the app. If you use a structure with folders, _filename.scss and SCSS imports, this will work provided you have added SCSS support. module: { I cannot figure out how to use scss in vue file. } Do let me know if you continue experiencing issues. options: { I reinstalled Vue synthax highlight with no success. vue-loader infers the loader to use from the lang attribute's value, but there is no "scss-loader", only "sass-loader" (which handles both .scss and .sass styles).