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It is driven through a tandem drive, situated midway between the ends, by a 40-horsepower, 850- r. p. m., 440-volt, A. C. motor with spur-gear reduction unit; variable-speed drive is provided so that the belt may be run at 310 feet per minute when waste is handled and 45 feet per minute when ore is handled. If the ore is sticky and tends to pack, this system is particularly advantageous, since the ore can run freely through the raise and out into the transfer drift, thus eliminating troubles caused by “hang-ups,” which are common in chutes equipped with gates. C. Good conditions. It was employed principally to convey waste from the hanging wall of the ore deposit to a waste dump. Thirty-pound rail was standard in many mines for haulage with 3½-ton locomotives; with larger equipment, 40-, 50-, or 60-pound rail is employed quite commonly. Limit on return trip, four empty cars. With electric drive the power requirement is usually less than 0.5 kw.-hr. We got some solutions to some of the problems we had and it was a great win for us. A slow speed is desirable for digging, and this may be obtained in part by slipping the clutch during the digging part of the cycle. Hand-tramming costs were 22 cents and locomotive-haulage costs 5.2 cents per ton, including labor and power but not maintenance or depreciation. Haul trucks are off-highway, rigid dump trucks specifically engineered for use in high-production mining and heavy-duty construction environments. These cookies do not store any personal information. has some cooling and ventilating effect, the speed of air motors may be controlled by the throttle, and if overloaded they will stall without damaging the motor. The distances material must be hauled and the amount to be handled are of first importance in deciding upon the method of transportation and the kind of equipment to be used. See Synonyms at pull. Car bodies and truck frames may be of either wood or steel construction, though few wood cars have been employed in recent years. They receive air at high pressures (600 to 850 pounds or more), which necessitates the installation of high-pressure compressors, receivers, air mains, and charging equipment at high initial cost and requires careful attention to prevent leakages and attendant loss of power. Some mines segregate waste tramming from ore tramming, whereas many others do not. According to van Barneveld, the economical limit of mule haulage is between 1,000 and 1,500 feet, and a mule should work at a speed not to exceed 5 miles per hour when taking a loaded train down a grade that needs only tractive effort to start, or 2 to 3 miles per hour when pulling a heavy load. Load and Haul - Modular Mining Setting the Standard for Load and Haul Efficiency Introduced 40 years ago as mining’s first-ever computer-based dispatching tool, the DISPATCH Fleet Management System has revolutionized the way mines work in real-time. Figure 25 shows one form of hoe scraper at A. As shown by graphic power-input charts taken from scrapers in operation, the maximum power during the scraping cycle is required when the scraper is digging into the pile when it is often two, three, or more times that required during the dragging period. Side-dump cars of the rocker type have been popular in recent years. A roller on the under side of the car body rides up on a ramp constructed along one side of the track at the dumping point and lifts that side of the body. Two mules haul 256 tons. From the standpoint of operating cost and maintenance, the heavier rails are preferred, although the first cost obviously will be greater. Where ore only is handled and there is but one dump point or large tonnages are dumped at each point, the cost of installing the dumping mechanism may be outweighed by the advantages of this type of car. It is therefore apparent that underground transportation merits the careful attention of the operating staff. Tables 27 and 28 indicate the range in capacities of ore cars commonly employed in metal mines. The Granby car is heavy, and some operators claim it is difficult to keep clean if the ore is at all sticky, but the advantage of quick dumping and low operating cost may often outweigh these objections. ", - Mine Plan Compliance Client in North America. If you're using your hauler in a mining operation (without an Orca), consider fitting a tractor beam to bring cans to you faster, as well as a salvager to make something of the inevitable rat wrecks. Load and haul • In mining, load and haul is necessary for movement of ore and waste from the face to stockpiles or processing plant • There are differences in methods applied depending on the mining method, topography, flexibility and distance from the face to material destination. More recently some companies are replacing 15-horsepower hoists with hoists rated at 25 horsepower. In addition, Fotta and Bockosh (2000) indicated that the Risk assessment for haul truck-related fatalities in mining Most operators charge loading from chutes against tramming cost, some include also cost of chute maintenance and repairs, and some combine tramming and hoisting under the general head of transportation. 4 Passes 10,800 / 55 Pay load of Dipper Payload of Hauler Number of Passes = − − = = lbs pass ton zPl dfDiPayload of Dipper Today, it is the most trusted FMS in the mining … It therefore includes loading cars from chutes on the haulage and intermediate levels, hand-tramming, animal and locomotive haulage, scraper and conveyor-belt transportation, operation of main transfer raises between levels, dumping into shaft pockets, the operation of skip-loading devices, the caging of cars, and hoisting the ore in buckets, cages, and skips. Five and one-third tons of ore was handled per foot of ½-inch wire rope. End-dump and side-dump cars with end or side doors that are tipped endwise or sidewise to the dumping position have been mentioned under “Hand Tramming,” and these types, especially the side-dump cars, are used with motor haulage also. Other considerations may be more important, however, and small cars may be employed for a number of reasons. The successful individual will be responsible for all Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling in order to ensure safe and efficient Loading and Hauling of rock on the mine. Van Barneveld cites data presented by Boericke regarding track grades and ton-miles per mule, as follows: The following table from Boericke’s article indicates performance of mules under different conditions: A. Mining Assistance. In soft, dry, loose muck a light scraper usually will dig satisfactorily, but in hard, chunky ore adequate weight is a primary requirement. It is not within the scope of this bulletin to discuss the mechanical design and construction of locomotives or other types of mine equipment; these are described in the catalogs and handbooks of the manufacturers. 15 16, 1975, 33 pp.) Those actually employed were of 6.5-, 7.5-, 10-, and 15-horse-power capacity. Train of four cars had to be spragged at end of run. Scraping distances are usually under 150 to 200 feet but doubtless with suitably designed equipment considerably greater distances are economical. The conveyor system is in seven sections and delivers the ore from the 125-foot level to the washing plant on the surface. Drill Blast Load Haul Prepare ground for blasting Break the ground Load broken ground into trucks Haul ore and waste Process Issues can add 10 to 25% to downstream costs through: • Damage to fleet, ore body, mine plan • Inefficient processing • Waste of explosive • Re-work There needs to be sufficient stock of broken ground to: Scrapping of existing small-capacity equipment and substitution of equipment of larger capacity often may be desirable after a mine has advanced from small- to large-scale operation, but in other instances, where the earlier equipment is still in good condition, the capital outlay required to replace it may not be justified by the anticipated savings in direct haulage costs. The conveyor belt is 42 inches wide, 8-ply, rubber-surfaced 3/16-inch on the top side and 1/32-inch on the bottom. productivity of the load-and-haul fleet at the mine by means of value drivers. Ropes receive rough treatment and have a short life because of overwinding on small drums and abrasion from rubbing on the back of the scraper and against rock. When the train is running on an adverse grade, the draw-bar pull and consequently the load that can be pulled are reduced sharply, as shown in table 26. Facilities for handling ore and waste between the stopes and the haulage levels will vary with the stoping method employed as well as with the amount of ore and waste to be handled. Optimization of load-and-haul mining systems by OEE and Match Factor for surface mining Scraping costs at one mine were distributed as follows: In this example the ore was in large chunks, the scrapers weighed 1,760 pounds and had a capacity of 1 ton of ore, and the average scraping distance was 175 feet, the maximum being 400 feet. Mining Trucks. In general, IPCC reduces the reliance on haul trucks, thus reducing total life-of-mine mining costs. Table 28 presents track data taken from actual practice and covers hand-tramming, mule-haulage, and motor-haulage operations. The principal types of cars are distinguished chiefly by the methods of dumping, which, in turn, largely determine the several characteristic designs. It added value to our operation. It is 1,250 feet long, center to center of head and tail pulleys; 670 feet is in the adit and the rest extends over the dump on surface. Likewise, the height of loading chutes above the rail may limit the height of the car. Both are bottomless, although some are constructed with a back plate curved forward to meet the floor at a flat angle, forming a partial sloping bottom. Today these vehicles are typically controlled by an on-board manual op- erator. Locomotives for underground use are powered by electric, compressed-air, or, rarely, gasoline motors. For handling fine material such as sand filling as well as fine ore, a solid-body car without doors has obvious advantages. The same method may be employed with hoe-type scrapers, or, as an alternative, short, tapered side plates may be added (fig. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. In straight transfer drifts or on other straight drags it is usually necessary to employ only one man for operating the scraper provided illumination is adequate. Compressed-air locomotives have not been employed widely in metal mines but have certain obvious advantages in gassy coal mines. Track 1.5 percent in favor of load; straight track, electrically lighted. Built on nearly 20 years of machine guidance success, the newly-released ProVision Guided Spotting system utilizes advanced guidance technology and high-precision GNSS positioning to provide centimeter-level accuracy for your truck and shovel operators. This organization has conducted more than 1,000 haulage truck stopping distance tests at active mine sites in British Columbia. The fine material falls through the plate onto the belt in advance of the large chunks and forms a cushion for the latter to fall upon. In considering mechanical vs. hand or animal haulage in a mine or section of a mine, a factor that always must be considered is the duty to be performed. Given the current growth in many sectors of the mining industry and attrition by retiring workers, the number of workers with little experience will increase. Scraper hoists for underground use are powered by electric or compressed-air motors. Belt speed is 500 feet per minute, at which rate the system has a rated capacity of over 500 tons per hour. The term “rope haulage” is used here to mean the use of hoists for pulling cars on grades or flat slopes where the grade is too steep for locomotives or the method in general use in the mine. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In the Tri-State lead and zinc district, “cans” of 1,200 to 1,400 pounds capacity were used almost exclusively for many years, but more recently these have been superseded by cars in some of the mines. Although no data are available, it was stated that costs were considerably below those for tramming and hoisting. This is mentioned because scraping has been practiced to the virtual exclusion of hand shoveling and sublevel hand tramming in these districts for 15 years, and hence the experience there should indicate the most efficient practice. A cage compartment usually will accommodate a 900-pound mule. For long hauls and heavy trains the trolley type usually has a decided advantage, whereas for shorter hauls, such as in gathering service from a number of loading points to a main haulageway, the storage-battery type may be preferred. Cars run down by own weight after starting; mule trots at 5 miles. When mechanical haulage units can be kept busy they will usually show a saving in operating costs as compared to hand or animal tramming. B. Identify, compare, and analyse the major delays that have created shortcomings in the current extraction process to arrive at the potential capacity of the mine’s extraction process. Studies are now in progress on how to adapt American Diesel locomotives to underground use and to determine conditions under which they may be employed with safety. The car body is V-shaped in cross section, the bottom of the V being rounded. One of the riskier jobs in a mine is to operate the Load-Haul-Dump (LHD) vehicles that are used to transport the ore from the blast site to a truck, lorry or directly to a crusher. Job Description: An exciting opportunity has opened up for a Load and Haul Superintendent within the Mining Industry. These mining loaders are highly manoeuvrable and give exceptional productivity. The rest is mined by two tower excavators using 3-yard drag buckets, which will operate within a maximum clean-up radius of 700 feet, the average digging radius being 170 feet. The average haulage and hoisting costs for these groups ranged from $0.1135 to $0.4025 per ton of ore mined, and the range for 47 individual mines was from $0,086 to $1,848. With hoist drums of less than 9-inch diameter, rope consumption was 1 foot per 22.4 tons of ore. Electric locomotives are either of the trolley or storage-battery type, and each has its particular field. The variety of truck makes and models included in the testing program present a representative brake Thus, hand tramming and hoisting in buckets or in small cars on cages may serve when tramming distances are short and the amount of ore and rock to be handled is small, while large cars, locomotive haulage, and hoisting in skips may be required for economical transportation once the mine hits its production stride. Consequently, the incentive to reduce cost in this area remains high. Typically anywhere between 30-50% of a mine's total energy use is the diesel for haul trucks If you're looking just at hauling, the first thing would be … Establishing a hauler character or alt Many players set up a separate alternate character, typically called an "alt" in game parlance, to specialize in hauling. They are extremely rugged, highly maneuverable, and exceptionally productive. Track grades for most efficient hand tramming should be considerably steeper than for locomotive haulage. (Table I.) While the traditional hauling process has served operations well enough for decades, this repetitive task is ripe for improvement through mining automation. The proper size (capacity) of scraper for a given installation will depend on the quantity of ore to be handled and the rate of handling desired and will be limited in some instances by the dimensions of the heading in which it is to operate. In considering scraper transportation of ore, the digging function of the scraper cannot be disregarded, since it must first fill itself by digging before it can transport its load by dragging. The maximum adverse belt slope is 30 percent, or 17°. At El Potosi the cost of scraping 107,420 tons of ore in 1932, exclusive of operating labor, was as follows: Hoist repairs probably would have been less had larger hoists been used. Diesel locomotives have been used extensively in Europe, but have not been adopted in the United States. Better practice for transfer-level work or other long drags is to employ a two-speed hoist—low speed for digging and high speed for dragging. A KOMATSU TECHNOLOGY COMPANYCopyright Modular Mining Systems 2020Legal. Under average conditions 1 foot of wire rope usually will be worn out per 5 to 15 tons of ore scraped, if sizes of rope, scraper, hoist drums, sheave wheels, and hoist pull are suitably proportioned. For tramming small tonnages of rock and ore short distances on the main levels, for short transfers on sublevels, and in some types of stopes it is the obvious method to employ, although, if power is available, scrapers may be more economical for some of these purposes and small storage-battery locomotives for others, provided the tonnage to be handled warrants the capital outlay involved. The biggest need for electric mining vehicles is in heavy-duty load and haul applications on inclined roads. Slow speed, 3½ miles an hour. The maximum gross weight of Belaz 75600 is 617t. Scrapers are best adapted to transportation underground where large quantities of ore must be moved comparatively short distances. Offering a 95-tonne payload and fitted with a premium 783kW engine, the R100E is ideal for all surface-mining and quarrying applications, where operational costs are critical. On the other hand, capital cost for IPCC systems are higher than load and haul with lower operational costs. Belaz 75600 is currently one of the largest mining dump trucks in the world. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. At 19 open-stope mines, transportation averaged 26.3 percent of the total underground cost; at 19 mines employing shrinkage stoping, 22.65 percent; at 3 mines employing block caving, 21.03 percent; at 8 mines employing square-set stoping, 12.77 percent; and at 4 mines employing cut-and-fill stoping, 12.9 percent. In some instances dumping cars at the skip pocket may be charged to tramming if the dumping is performed by the train crew, whereas in others, where dumping is done by a separate station attendant or shaft crew, this operation may be charged to hoisting. Bottom-discharge cars are used at some mines but are not as common as other types. The Granby car is a favorite type for use in connection with locomotive haulage where rapid dumping of trains with minimum labor is desired. HAULER PRODUCTION Power Shovel (()cont.) The growing availability of electric power, the introduction of Diesel generating plants in sizes and of capacities to suit almost any condition, and the development of small storage-battery and trolley locomotives have favored the substitution of mechanical for animal haulage.
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