Although London attempted to resume its former rule, it had to face reality and Aung San came to the UK in 1947 to negotiate terms for independence. Mountbatten had decided that 14th Army's great commander was tired and needed a rest, and therefore replaced him at the moment of his great triumph. Slim, the architect of this great victory, was not present at Mountbatten's parade. It should be noted that the British Raj included only about two-thirds of modern India, with the other portions under the control of local princes. A community that had first come together under British rule more than a hundred and fifty years ago had survived despite all the challenges. Asian imperialists are still imperialists. Kipling visited around that time, but only for a couple of days (he never actually made it to Mandalay). Ubiquitous South Indian money-lenders made sure there was enough cash. British soldiers were frequently targets for attack and kidnap, often in retaliation for death sentences passed on members of Irgun and LHI. Mountbatten gratified his ambition by staging an elaborate victory parade, at which he took the salute in Rangoon on 15 June. Burmese radicals turned to Michael Collins and Sinn Fein for inspiration and later to the totalitarian ideologies of the 1930s. Some called themselves Communists, others Socialists. Aung San's daughter Aung San Suu Kyi, continues to oppose the regime, offering some hope for the people of this ancient country. A life-long Anglophile, he made sure his four sons grew up reading English literature and history. As she was so-well-in with the Commandant, the ten soldiers assigned to "occupy" the Island acted almost as her personal staff and were always willing to do odd jobs until things got rough later in the war. My mother's family moved to the Irrawaddy delta from further west in the very early years of British rule. The British forts and Sierra Leone remained under common administration for the first half of the century. My grandfather's old school was still standing and I took tea with some of his former students, now well into their eighties. As far back as the 1750s, there had been a British trading station at a place called Cape Negrais, almost exactly where the storm made landfall last week. He ordered his commanders, against their better judgement, to defend well forward. Ask a taxi driver in Rangoon to take you to 'Windermere Court', 'Fraser Street' or 'Montgomery Road' and chances are only an old driver will have any clue of where to go. done come!" The reason is that the British government has allowed free entry into Burma for veritable hordes of Indians, who, coming from a land where they were literally dying of hunger, work for next to nothing and are, as a result, fearsome rivals for the Burmese. When Japan entered the war on the side of the Axis powers in December 1941, her main aims were to acquire raw materials, particularly oil, rubber and tin and, through expansion of the so-called Greater Co-Prosperity Sphere, to create space for the population of the over-crowded home islands. Along this road a steady stream of military aid was being transported from Rangoon, over the mountains of the 'Hump' and into Nationalist China, but if this supply route was closed, the Japanese could deprive Chiang Kai Shek's Kuomintang (Nationalist Chinese) armies of their life-blood, permitting the Japanese to conquer all China. Distant relatives took me to see the town's pagoda and Buddhist monasteries. Belgarion. Hence, as soon as Burma … that the Chinese would occupy the northern part and SEAC supported by the French would occupy the southern part. This makes me wonder how the British manage to occupy, administer, and control 1/4 of the world's land area. Why Burma did not want to remain in the British Commonwealth Some writers easily concluded that it was the Burmese pride and arrogance (some British and Indians even wrote that it was Burmese vanity) which led Burma to quit the British Commonwealth as soon as she regained her freedom because the Burmese felt that their pride was crushed by the British. In this the Allies enjoyed some success in using guerrilla tactics against the Japanese, despite incurring heavy losses, thus proving that British troops could take on the Japanese in the jungle. British and Indian troops in action, 80 miles south of Mandalay, in March 1945 Units were encouraged to sit tight, relying on air-dropped supplies, and hold their ground when attacked, instead of dispersing as formerly. He is the author of The Unforgettable Army - Slim and the 14th Army in Burma (1992); Gallipoli (1995) and The Korean War 1950-53 (1999). The set of pictures were found among Japanese records when British troops entered Singapore in 1945 and returned to colonial rule. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. One of his sons, my grandfather, U Thant, was once the Pantanaw school headmaster and would later become the UN's third Secretary-General. The Japanese Fifteenth Army under Lieutenant General Shōjirō Iida, initially consisting of only two infantry divisions, moved into northern Thailand (which had signed a treaty of friendship with Ja… Explanation: The strategic position of Burma in the trade routs between India and china came as an advantage to the British since they could now control the trade. A typical insurgent operation was the bombing of the British Officers Club in Haifa, in which 30 people were killed and injured. British and Indian troops in action, 80 miles south of Mandalay, in March 1945. It is modestly written, but reveals the humanity of this truly great soldier, as well as his professional ability - both qualities that explain why his men loved him as much as they did. This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets (CSS) enabled. The Great Depression brought rice prices crashing down, forcing millions of indebted farmers off their land. This page has been archived and is no longer updated. Hong Kong then became a British crown colony. In 1852, another war, instigated by a Commodore Lambert (the 'Combustible Commodore') led to another Burmese defeat and the annexation of all of lower Burma to the expanding raj. The first people to live in Malaya were Stone Age hunter-gatherers. The re-opening of the Burma Road permitted the resumption of supplies to Nationalist China, but there was to be no long-term benefit here, and American dreams of establishing an All-China trade zone after the war evaporated when Mao Tse Tung's Communist forces thrashed the corrupt regime of America's client, Chiang Kai Shek, within four years of the Japanese surrender in 1945. Assuming the population of the UK was around 60,000,0000 people at the beginning of the 20th century, a massive amount of manpower would be required to occupy large parts of … Apart from two experienced light tank regiments and an infantry battalion brought in from the Middle East, whose presence in the long retreat up-country undoubtedly saved Burma Corps from total destruction, no other reinforcements reached Burma Command. This would make the British sound more formidable and have a better reputation. Thant Myint-U is a former Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge and the author of "The River of Lost Footsteps: A Personal History of Burma". At a recent army parade, troops marched past the regime's senior generals to the tune of 'Men of Harlech'. But in the late 19th century, Burmese from the impoverished scrublands to the north poured down to clear the forests and claim new land, millions of acres were turned into paddy fields and the region became the greatest rice producer in the world. However, Britain exerted great pressure on these … Read more. Churchill had initially opposed his appointment to command 14th Army, considering him a 'sepoy general' (Slim had made his military home in the 6th Gurkhas). Britain's connections to Burma go a long way back, especially in the little villages and towns of the Irrawaddy delta now wrecked by Cyclone Nargis. Operating a scorched-earth policy as it went, Burcorps, now under command of Lieutenant General William Slim, fell back up the Irrawaddy river, accompanied by tens of thousands of wretched Indian refugees, harassed and murdered by the Burmese population as they struggled to gain Indian soil. The soldiers there don't wear khaki shorts and there are scarcely any Land Rovers to be seen, even along the bumpiest back roads. Neither side wanted this fight at the start, but there were many remarkable feats of arms as the war progressed. When the Japanese invaded in 1941, many cheered and some even joined the pro-Japanese Burma Independence Army of General Aung San, father of future Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi. English remains the second language (with many English words, including 'democracy' having crept into Burmese). And with war the army grew in size and strength and soon grew tired of its civilian overlords. The Irrawaddy delta is in a way a British creation. Although now outnumbered, the Japanese fought with ferocious courage; all ranks of 14th Army knew that their ticket home depended on total destruction of their enemy and this is exactly how it transpired. Britain had many colonial interests in this area such as India, Burma and Malaya³ and therefore they wanted to maintain political stability in the region. On hearing this intelligence, Admiral Yamamoto, the gifted master planner of the enterprise, knew that the war was already as good as lost. They clear And there is the Irrawaddy delta itself, the scene of the recent devastation, an uncompromisingly flat landscape perched right up on the Bay of Bengal. At its height it was the largest empire in history and, for over a century, … And everywhere there are immaculately maintained golf courses, a lasting legacy of the Glaswegian merchants who dominated business in this corner of empire for nearly a century. There were a few stories in the Illustrated London News with lurid details of British summary executions. Jul 2011 7,042 Australia Apr 16, 2017 #5 Ancientgeezer said: While many of the Islanders suffered later in the war, the experiences of … The British Empire was composed of the dominions, colonies, protectorates, mandates, and other territories ruled or administered by the United Kingdom and its predecessor states. But most journalists never made it at all. Up until the mid-19th century, the area was a sparsely inhabited series of malarial swamps, home to man-eating tigers and equally fearful bandits. Bereft of his dynamic leadership the expedition became semi-static, although there were some remarkable feats of arms as the numerous Chindit columns fought deep in the Japanese rear areas, in their endeavours to realise Wingate's concept of 'a hand in the enemy's bowels'. The British took over Egypt for some reasons. Why did British troops leave Aden? In 1981, he retired as a General Staff Colonel with the Ministry of Defence. He sought to do this by encouraging … Control of India was given to a British Governor-General, who reported back to the British Parliament. Wingate unfortunately did not live to see this outcome. First of all when they took over Egypt, Egypt became proctectorate. Burmese soldiers parade during Independance Day celebrations, Why a blazer and jeans should be your new easy go-to outfit, How to create an ageless capsule wardrobe with high street essentials, The 10 fashion hits from the high street (and beyond) to know this week. By Michael Hickey For the first time the defenders stood firm, confident in their air support. But sixty-years on the colonial legacy is not obvious. They threatened violence and the Labour government under Clement Atlee decided it had more important things to do than put down an uprising in Burma. Later Stone Age farmers came to Malaya and displaced them. From January 1st, 1886 to January 4th, 1948 Burma was a territory amassed by the British; who seized it for its tremendous wealth. Scotch whiskey is a favourite drink and Manchester United commands a big following. But Burmese nationalists, now armed to the teeth, were impatient. The British returned to Rangoon in triumph, but were not destined to stay; Burmese nationalism was on a flood tide, and having seized the administrative reins in the wake of the British advance, Aung San's men were well placed to take over after the war. The Emperor, Bahadur Shah, was convicted of sedition and exiled to Burma. The Burma campaign had no decisive effect on the war as a whole; but it did a great deal to restore respect for British arms following the humiliations of Hong Kong, Malaya and Singapore. The troops were raw, lacked combat experience, and were inadequately trained and equipped to take on the aggressive and bold invaders. The Kachin rebels in the far north play the bagpipes. They did very well, becoming landlords and mill-owners in the little town of Pantanaw, then a day's steamer trip from Rangoon. Mandalay fell in March, and Slim conducted a brilliant crossing of the mighty Irrawaddy before heading south. Burma for example is not in Commonwealth. No one knows what a metre is or a kilogram. Then Aung San's Burmese National Army changed sides and gave valuable service to the 14th Army in the final stages of the campaign. The campaign in which Allied forces defeated the Japanese in Burma was unique in that neither side particularly wished to wage war there. In 1962 it took over government, and promptly shut off the country from the outside world. Why did the british government occupy burma? Last updated 2011-02-17. His influence obtained much needed air support for what now became the 14th Army, particularly in the field of transport aircraft, and re-supply by air became the norm for the forward troops. He perished in a plane crash as the expedition began, and as American troops were advancing from the north with (somewhat unreliable) Chinese Nationalist forces. Japanese objectives in Burma were initially limited to the capture of Rangoon (now known as Yangon), the capital and principal seaport. Immediate cause is Burmese army incursion to British India colonies Assam Burmese invasions of Assam - Wikipedia and, Manipur. Indians were brought in to fill civil-service jobs and the business interests of Indians and Chinese in Burma were encouraged, which bred resentment in many Burmese people. Despite this, Japanese plans elsewhere worked beyond expectation. September 17, 2013 by I know everything. By the summer of 1945 Allied Forces were back in control (and John Gieldgud played Hamlet at Jubilee Hall) but the country was also awash in guns and young men anxious to use them. Find out more about how the BBC is covering the. But at least some of the connections to the British past are still all around. This was unfortunate, as Slim was the only British general in World War Two who had fought against an enemy 'First Eleven' throughout, and who, having been knocked out of the ring at the beginning, got back in and beat his opponent flat. India, whose troops had formed the backbone of the 14th Army, was granted independence in 1947 but only after the British government and its Viceroy - Mountbatten - had persuaded themselves that partition on religious lines, to create the states of India and Pakistan, would solve a problem growing far beyond the capacity of a weakened Britain to solve. There are no pockets of white settler farms and you will be hard pressed to find anyone with even the slightest interest in rugby or cricket. While you will be able to view the content of this page in your current browser, you will not be able to get the full visual experience. His removal from command of the army he had forged had a calamitous effect on the morale of his men. In addition, Using grenades, bombs and rifles supplied by regional and world powers, nationalist groups such as the National Liberation Front (NLF) and the Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen (FLOSY) targeted British troops and their families. Soon there would be hard times for everyone. Why did Hong Kong belong to England? Millions of Indian immigrants had poured into the country in the early years of the last century, looking for jobs and a new life. There were two reasons for the Japanese invasion of Burma. Fighting every inch, the Japanese recoiled from the hills and back across the River Chindwin, harassed by Wingate's second Chindit expedition. But the Burmese became a minority in many urban areas and felt excluded. The fall of Singapore to the Japanese Army on February 15th 1942 is considered one of the greatest defeats in the history of the British Army and probably Britains worst defeat in World War Two. When Burma became independent in 1948, much the country had been under British rule for nearly a hundred years. It began with the overseas possessions and trading posts established by England between the late 16th and early 18th centuries. The Chindit War by Shelford Bidwell (Hodder & Stoughton, 1979), The Little Men: A Platoon's Epic Fight in the Burma Campaign by FW Cooper (Robert Hale, 1973), The Indian Army and the King's Enemies, 1900-1947 by Charles Chenevix-Trench (Thomas & Hudson, 1988), Japan's Last War by Saburo Ienaga (Blackwell, 1979), The Campaign in Burma by Frank Owen (HMSO, 1946), Defeat into Victory by Field Marshal Sir William Slim (Cassell, 1956), The War against Japan Vols II-IV by Kirby Woodburn et al (HMSO, 1958-69), The Wild Green Earth by Bernard Fergusson (Collins, 1946). The British made Burma a province of India in 1886 and instigated far-reaching changes to the country’s make up. Japanese military police started disappearing members of the BIA who seemed most likely to join a Burmese independence government, and Japanese forces stopped cooperating … George Orwell, who served as a police officer in Burma for many years, was one of the few who actually asked to be posted to the country (he had an aunt living in Moulmein). Burma became an … The Japanese, aware that the defenders had gained strength, resolved to end the campaign at a blow with an assault into Assam, aimed at capturing the key towns of Imphal, capital of the hill state of Manipur, and Kohima. Until the first Japanese bombs fell over Rangoon harbour just before Christmas 1941, Burma remained well off the front pages. The war went well and Churchill soon abolished the country's ancient monarchy. why so many soldiers survived the trenches, how Pack Up Your Troubles became the viral hit. Additionally, the more powerful and confident the Burmese nation became, the more the British agonised over its power and capabilities. The British first landed in India in Surat for the purpose of trade. The Japanese completed their triumphs by overrunning the Dutch East Indies, spreading out into the western Pacific by capturing numerous island bases, and threatening the security of Australia. Slim, now in command of 14th Army, imbued his command with a new spirit. Some belonged to the Burmese Buddhist majority, others feared discrimination in a Burmese Buddhist majority state and dreamed of separation. In 1885, Lord Randolph Churchill, then secretary of state for India, ordered the invasion of what was left of the Burmese kingdom. They worked on the assumption that a surprise attack on the United States Pacific Fleet's base at Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii, would enable the Imperial Japanese army, air force and navy to attain the warlords' territorial aims before the western Allies could react. Slim ... having been knocked out of the ring at the beginning, got back in and beat his opponent flat. Soon the British were faced with an entirely unexpected insurgency and thousands of Burmese (and hundreds of British and Indian soldiers) would die in the years of bloody guerilla fighting that followed. The 28 year old king was unceremoniously exiled to India and the entire aristocracy (including my great-great grandfather, who was the king's treasurer) was stripped of their offices and expelled from their homes. D.O. (The hunter-gatherers continued to exist but they retreated into remote areas). Rangoon became a cosmopolitan place, with Europeans, peoples from all across the sub-continent - Gujaratis, Bengalis, Marwaris, Tamils and others - and even a sizeable community of Jews from Baghdad. Why Did the British Take over Egypt? The first war was fought in the mid-1820s. In 1941, Britain was an imperial power with colonies across south and south-east Asia. Furthermore, possession of Burma would place the Japanese at the gate of India, where they believed general insurrection against the British Raj would be ignited once their troops had established themselves in Assam, within reach of Calcutta. Major … With independence would come more war, between the new Burmese army and Communist militia, as well as against an array of ethnic minority rebels. He was assassinated in Rangoon, along with most of his Cabinet, within months, however. The great Indian Army was rent asunder, and before long, regiments that had won fame under the Raj were fighting each other as the two new states confronted each other. BBC © 2014 The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. It also would make them harder to … East India Company forces under General Sir Archibald Campbell seized Rangoon after an amphibious assualt and then pushed their way across the marshlands of the delta, defeating in a series of battles the war-elephants and musketeers of the king of Ava. From 1962, Britain was engaged in an escalating conflict in the protectorate. The author may as well say that India invaded Burma in 1824 just because the British troops who conducted the invasion were mustered in India. For most senior officials Burma was just an add-on to India and a not particularly important one, with none of the romantic connotations of say the Northwest Frontier. Though this proved short-lived (everyone was ill from malaria from the start and then the Burmese attacked, the once infamous 'Massacre at Negrais' ), it marked the beginning of increasing British commerical and strategic interest in the far away country. Malaya and displaced them calamitous effect on the aggressive and bold invaders the overseas possessions and trading posts established England. Frequently targets for attack and kidnap, often in retaliation for death sentences passed on of! Instead of dispersing as formerly given to a British creation campaign in which 30 people killed! Stalled and was bloodily repulsed - and morale sank even further some extent, is. Colonel with the overseas possessions and trading posts established by England between the late 16th early. With war the army he had forged had why did the british occupy burma calamitous effect on the morale of Cabinet... Bombing of the century 1981, he made sure his four sons grew Up English. 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