v. t. e. The First Toungoo Empire ( Burmese: တောင်ငူ ခေတ်, [tàʊɴŋù kʰɪʔ]; also known as the First Toungoo Dynasty, the Second Burmese Empire or simply the Toungoo Empire) was the dominant power in mainland Southeast Asia in the second half of the 16th century. First Toungoo Empire: တောင်ငူခေတ် 1510–1599: Toungoo Empire at its greatest extent (1580) Capital: Toungoo (Taungoo) (1510–39) Pegu (Bago) (1539–99) Languages: Official Burmese. The cause of the war was an attempt by the Toungoo king Bayinnaung to force the Ayutthaya kingdom into submission under his rule, as part of his campaign that later created the largest empire ever to exist in Southeast Asia. Il devint indépendant de celui-ci en 1510. Archived. hide. They would not give up their conquered ground readily, but ambition, revenge and greed were all motivators. The dynasty created the second largest empire in Burmese history, and continued the administrative reforms begun by the Toungoo dynasty, laying the foundations of modern state of Burma. But the largest empire in the history of Southeast Asia collapsed in the 18 years following Bayinnaung's death in 1581. Tabinshwehti first conquered the Mohnyin Shan peoples in northern Myanmar and thus eliminated one element of the fragmentation that had existed in Myanmar since the demise of the Pagan dynasty (1287). Following the…, …of Ava (1364–1752), especially the Toungoo dynasty during most of that period; an independent Vietnam under the Later Le dynasty (1428–1788); the Tai state of Ayutthaya, or Ayudhia (1351–1767); Majapahit, centred on Java (1292–. They are not very popular in the fandom yet. Premier Empire Toungoo . Instead, the Myanmar empire gradually disintegrated. After repeated campaigns, his conquests extended from Tavoy (Dawei) in the south to Shwebo in the north and from Ava eastward to Chieng Mai. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. This article is about the 16th-century polity, regarded as the first half of the Toungoo Dynasty. 2 comments. The last dynasty that ruled Burma/Myanmar from 1752 to 1885. The Second Myanmar Empire … Dans les années qui suivirent, Mingyinyo soumit une partie des peuples shans. Finally, the third is military history viewed as social history, the interaction of warfare and society–what has lately come to be called “new” military history (Cook 1990, 14). 19. Achievement. Wikipedia. Konbaung dynasty. Un des successeurs d'Anaukpeitlun, Thalun (1629-1648) rétablit les principes de l'ancien Royaume de Pagan, mais il concentra ses efforts sur les aspects religieux et négligea le sud de son royaume. Wikipedia. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. First Toungoo Empire. Ce régime politique succède à la Deuxième République. Maybe like the second or third Toungoo Empire tbh. En 1544, il se fit couronner roi de toute la Birmanie dans l'ancienne capitale Bagan, prenant ainsi symboliquement la succession du Royaume de Pagan (849-1287). It created the second-largest empire in Burmese history and continued the administrative reforms begun by the Toungoo dynasty, laying the foundations of the modern state of Burma. Depuis L'Histoire de la France contemporaine d'Ernest … Conflict with the Burmese kingdom persisted, however, and in the mid-18th century Burman armies once again captured Ayutthaya. https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dynastie_Taungû&oldid=129882186, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Bengal Sultanate. Après la conquête d'Ava par les Shans en 1527, de nombreux birmans émigrèrent à Taungû, qui devint leur nouveau centre politique. Avec l'arrivée des marchands européens, la Birmanie était redevenue un centre d'échanges important et Tabinshwehti transféra sa capitale à Pégou, située stratégiquement pour le commerce. Achievement. This time the city did not recover. King Mingyi Nyo built Ketumati as last city of Toungoo era in 1510 AD. La dynastie Konbaung lui succéda presque immédiatement. The First Toungoo Empire (Burmese: တောင်ငူ ခေတ်, [tàʊɴŋù kʰɪʔ]; also known as the First Toungoo Dynasty, the Second Burmese Empire or simply the Toungoo Empire) was the dominant power in mainland Southeast Asia in the second half of the 16th century. At its peak, Toungoo exercised suzerainty from M It created the second-largest empire in Burmese history and continued the administrative reforms begun by the Toungoo dynasty, laying the foundations of the modern state of Burma. King Minkyinyo (1486–1531) of Toungoo is usually considered the founder of the dynasty, but many authorities believe that the distinction of founder should be reserved for his son Tabinshwehti (1531–50), who more surely welded the empire together. First King Alaungpaya of the second Toungoo Empire failed in his attempt to conquer Ayutthaya, and then his second son, King Hsinbyushin succeeded. Elle régna sur le Second Empire birman entre 1510 et 1752, quand elle fut abattue par les Môns de Pégou. La dinastia di Toungoo (in lingua birmana: တောင်ငူခေတ်, traslitterato: taungù khì; pronuncia IPA: [tàʊɴŋù kʰɪʔ]) fu a capo dell'omonimo regno situato nell'odierna Birmania dal 1486 al 1752. The third age of the Konbaung empire which was founded by King Alaungpaya who reigned in 1752 in the time of the second Taungoo empire collapse and reunited in 1756 and died in 1760 existed from 1752 A.D to 1885 A.D. Well, this is about the summary of the glorious … Myanmar suzerainty even encompassed much of Laos and extended down the Mae Nam Chao Phraya valley to Ayutthaya, near Bangkok. … nécessaire], Pégou se révolta finalement contre Ava en 1740, affaiblissant encore la dynastie, qui s'effondra en 1752. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Close. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. The Toungoo dynasty, however, survived for another century and a half, until the death of Mahadammayaza (reigned 1733–52), but never again ruled all of Myanmar. Myanmar, officially the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, also commonly known as Burma, is a country in South East Asia. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Ces guerres épuisèrent néanmoins ses ressources, et aussi bien Manipur qu'Ayutthaya, sous domination birmane pendant 15 ans, reprirent bientôt leur indépendance. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Toungoo-dynasty, Globalsecurity.org - Myanmar - TaungNgoo Dynasty. 52 relations: Atula Thiri Maha Yaza Dewi, Bayinnaung, Binnya Ran II, Burmese calendar, First Toungoo Empire, Hanthawaddy Kingdom, Hmannan Yazawin, Inwa, Irrawaddy River, Karenni people, Kingdom of Ava, Kyaukse Township, Kyawswa I of Pinya, Lan Na, List of Burmese monarchs, List of rulers of Toungoo, Maha Dewi of Toungoo, Maha Yazawin, Meiktila, Min Hla Htut of Pyakaung, Min Sithu of Toungoo … A joint military force was sent by Ava and Hsipaw and defeated him. La dynastie Konbaung lui succéda presque immédiatement. The last dynasty that ruled Burma/Myanmar from 1752 to 1885. La dynastie Konbaung lui succéda presque immédiatement. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre . Son beau-frère Bayinnaung lui succéda sur le trône. The second uses a campaign or battle to study the didactic principles of waging war. Dirigeant énergique et bon général, Bayinnaung fit de son royaume le plus puissant d'Asie du Sud-Est, étendant ses frontières du Laos à Ayutthaya. British rule in Burma. Omissions? It was then that he felt secure enough to raid Pegu to the south with little success. Son fils, le roi Tabinshwehti (1531-1550), consolida son pouvoir en unifia la plus grande partie de la Birmanie. share. Power in Burma at that time was held by Nanda Bayin as King of the Toungoo Empire in Pegu. King Minkyinyo (1486–1531) of Toungoo is usually considered the founder of the dynasty , but many authorities believe that the distinction of founder should be reserved for his son Tabinshwehti (1531–50), who more surely … The name Taungoo, literally translates to "Mountain/Hill Ridge" as the town is located in a hilly region to the southe… By the time Tabinshwehti took power, the new kingdom had become strong enough to wrest control of…, …from the Burman state of Toungoo overran Ayutthaya and devastated the countryside for miles around. Kings of Toungoo established Toungoonge, Toungoogyi (Danyawady), Myawady and Dwarawady cities starting from 1278 AD. Updates? (excerpts from the Taungoo civlopedia) The town of Taungoo itself was founded in the late Bagan Period and the earliest record of the town go back to 1191 and is recorded to have 370 households. Consolidating his power in Toungoo, far up the Sittang River, Tabinshwehti pushed southward, overrunning the Irrawaddy delta region and crushing the Mon capital of Pegu (Bago). Maybe like the second or third Toungoo Empire tbh. 1 year ago. Premier Empire Toungoo - First Toungoo Empire. The Toungoo dynasty, although considered by some to have been founded by King Minkyinyo (ruled 1485–1531), was inarguably solidified by... Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. An energetic leader and effective military commander, he made Toungoo Myanmar the most powerful state in Southeast Asia. Le Second Empire est le système constitutionnel et politique instauré en France le 2 décembre 1852 lorsque Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, président de la République française, devient le souverain Napoléon III, empereur des Français, un an jour pour jour après son coup d'État du 2 décembre 1851. After defeating a Shan-led counterattack at Pyè (Prome) in 1544, Tabinshwehti was crowned as king of all Myanmar at the ancient capital of Pagan (Nyaung-U). At its peak, the First Toungoo Empire also included Manipur, Chinese Shan States, Siam, and Lan Xang. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 23 septembre 2016 à 09:18. Khagan. Queens personal name was HLA min Htut မင်းလှထွတ်, pronounced. The second part of the Taungoo Empire which was restored was King Nyaungyan in 1600 was from 1600 A.D to 1752 A.D . Il fut repoussé, mais put néanmoins gagner le contrôle de la Basse-Birmanie jusqu'à Prome. Cet article concerne le régime politique du XVIe siècle, considéré comme la première moitié de la dynastie Toungoo . La Dynastie Taungû (ou Toungou) fut une des plus puissantes de l'Histoire de la Birmanie. The Toungoo dynasty, although considered by some to have been founded by King Minkyinyo (ruled 1485–1531), was inarguably solidified by his successor Tabinshwehti (ruled 1531–50). Encouragé par les Français [réf. Mingyi Nyo remained in Toungoo, where he built a new capital, until 1523. The First Toungoo Empire (Burmese: တောင်ငူ ခေတ် , [tàʊɴŋù kʰɪʔ]; also known as the First Toungoo Dynasty, the Second Burmese Empire or simply the Toungoo Empire) was the dominant power in mainland Southeast Asia in the second half of the 16th century. It was the second of twenty wars fought between the Burmese and Siamese that lasted well into the 19th century. He then began assembling an army for an attack on coastal Arakan to the west; although the Myanmar forces were defeated at Arakan, Tabinshwehti led his retreating army eastward to Ayutthaya to subdue rebellious Thai forces there. It created the second-largest empire in Burmese history and continued the administrative reforms begun by the Toungoo dynasty, laying the foundations of the modern state of Burma. Siam remained under Myanmar domination for 15 years. La Dynastie Taungû (ou Toungou) fut une des plus puissantes de l'Histoire de la Birmanie. The Second Myanmar Empire (Taungoo dynasty) was the ruling dynasty of Burma (Myanmar) from the mid-16th century to 1752. In Toungoo Dynasty …reign is known as the Second Burmese Empire. Son fils Nandabayin et ses successeurs durent mater des rébellions dans d'autres parties du royaume et la victoire sur l'Arakan n'eut jamais lieu. Il l'étendit vers le sud en s'emparant du delta de l'Irrawaddy et en détruisant le royaume môn d'Hanthawaddy (Pégou). Son règne de 30 ans fut marqué par de multiples conquêtes, notamment celle du Manipur (1560) et d'Ayutthaya (1564). À cette époque, la situation géopolitique de l'Asie du Sud-Est avait beaucoup changé. Elle régna sur le Second Empire birman entre 1510 et 1752, quand elle fut abattue par les Môns de Pégou. After the conquest of Inwa by the Mohnyin-led Shan sawbwas in 1527, many Burmese-speakers migrated to Taungoo, which became a new centre. In 1510, the king of Avawas under almost constant attack by Shan forces. The Burmese Toungoo Dynasty, also known as First Toungoo Empire, was the largest and most powerful empire in the history of Southeast Asia, perhaps second only to the Ming Empire itself. Toungoo Dynasty, also spelled Taungu, ruling house in Myanmar (Burma) from the 15th or 16th to the 18th century, whose reign is known as the Second Burmese Empire. Son armée en retraite attaqua le Royaume d'Ayutthaya, contre lequel elle connut également la défaite. Un petit-fils de Bayinnaung, Anaukpeitlun (1605-1628), réunifia à nouveau la Birmanie en 1613 et repoussa définitivement les tentatives portugaises de s'emparer du pays, mais son empire se désintégra progressivement. Corrections? Again he was defeated. Bayinnaung était résolu à mener une attaque décisive contre l'Arakan, lorsqu'il mourut en 1581. The queen was descended from the House of Mohnyin of Ava royalty from both sides. En se basant sur son enquête fiscale de 1635, on estime la population du royaume à cette époque à environ 2 millions de personnes[1]. Bayinnaung was poised to deliver a final, decisive assault on the kingdom of Arakan when he died in 1581. La dynastie survécut encore un siècle et demi, mais ne domina plus jamais toute la Birmanie. Posted by. save. Second siege of Pegu (1599) Taking advantage of the political turmoil in Burma in 1597-1598, Naresuan once again decided to invade Burma. Ancient Ketumati City in Toungoo era which initiated the united Second Myanmar Empire turned 510 years in 2020. His successors were forced to quell rebellions in other parts of the kingdom, and the victory over Arakan was never achieved. Thus the dating of the dynasty may be considered either 1486–1752 or 1531–1752. King Minkyinyo (1486–1531) of Toungoo is usually considered the founder of the dynasty, but many authorities believe that the distinction of founder should be reserved for his son Tabinshwehti (1531–50), who more surely welded the empire together. Toungoo Dynasty, also spelled Taungu, ruling house in Myanmar (Burma) from the 15th or 16th to the 18th century, whose reign is known as the Second Burmese Empire. The king of Toungoo formed an alliance with Prome and attacked towns in the Myingyan area near Pagan. A period of unrest and rebellions among other conquered peoples followed, and Tabinshwehti was assassinated in 1551. Regional . A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by … Il commença à rassembler une armée pour attaquer l'état côtier d'Arakan. The Toungoo–Mrauk-U War (1545–1547) (Burmese language: တောင်ငူ–မြောက်ဦး စစ် (၁၅၄၅–၁၅၄၇)) was a military conflict that took place in Arakan (present-day Rakhine State of Myanmar) from 1545 to 1547 between the Toungoo Dynasty and the Kingdom of Mrauk-U. Elle régna sur le Second Empire birman entre 1510 et 1752, quand elle fut abattue par les Môns de Pégou. Bayinnaung (reigned 1551–81), Tabinshwehti’s brother-in-law, ascended the throne. King Mingyi Nyo founded the First Taungoo Dynasty (1485–1599) at Taungoo far up the Sittaung River south of Inwa towards the end of the Ava Kingdom in 1510. Unlike The First Toungoo Empire of King Bayinnaung they were set on looting the city. Sa campagne pour reprendre Ava fut également infructueuse. Les Siamois avaient constitué un nouveau royaume autour d'Ayutthaya, tandis que les Portugais, dans le sud, s'étaient emparés de Malacca. Download this stock image: The Konbaung Dynasty was the last dynasty that ruled Burma (Myanmar), from 1752 to 1885. Aux prises avec le soulèvement de plusieurs villes et des incursions portugaises répétées, la dynastie de retira du sud de la Birmanie et refonda la dynastie à Ava, sous le nom de dynastie Nyaungyan, ou Dynastie Toungou restaurée (1597-1752). She was born in Salina, where her father Thado Dhamma yaza was Vice-king and ruled ten cities in Central Burma modern MagwaY division. Une période de troubles s'ensuivit parmi les peuples conquis et Tabinshwehti fut assassiné en 1551. 247k members in the eu4 community. Ayutthaya under Naresuan (reigned 1590–1605) recovered its independence. … Myanmar entered a new phase of greatness when the kings of Toungoo moved their capital from Toungoo to Bago and three of its kings ruled there from 1538 to 1599. Le roi Mingyinyo (Minkyinyo, 1485-1530) fonda la Première dynastie Taungû (1486-1599) dans la ville du même nom (Taungû, ou Kaytumadi), vers la fin du Royaume d'Ava. 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