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[217] Gisha, “Area G: From Separation to Annexation,” June 2020, (accessed June 30, 2020); “Gisha Petition Against Israel’s Refusal to Allow a Woman to Return from Gaza to the West Bank with Her Children,” Preliminary Response by the State (Hebrew) (November 14, 2019), (accessed June 25, 2020). Find alternative ways to assess students’ ongoing engagement and learning levels and provide certifications, including alternatives to unique, high-stakes summative assessments, such as single end of year exams. [232] Human Rights Watch interview with Gayane C., student, Armavir, Armenia, June 16, 2020. [502] Convention on the Rights of the Child, art 29(1), 1990; Committee on the Rights of the Child, “General Comment No. A parent in Chon-Tash, Kyrgyzstan, said, “I have internet on my phone, but it is extremely poor because we live in a mountainous area… Teachers share videos, send links, but as I have poor internet connection on my phone, I cannot show them to my son.”. Source: Google Earth. As a result, even though the Kurdistan Region’s education ministry started online education, “it is hard to cater for all the students, because not all of them are connected to the internet. [31] Human Rights Watch interviews with Lindsey Readman, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom, June 2, 2020; and teacher, Bilbao, Spain, June 12, 2020. [841] See Systematic Oppression section. [326] Human Rights Watch interview with student, 16, Wamena, Papua, Indonesia, July 16, 2020. [178] Human Rights Watch interview with Lindsey Readman, secondary school teacher, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom, June 2, 2020. HRI/GEN/Rev. [200] Lawan P., 17, lives with her grandmother in a small village in rural Thailand. The 1968 Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes declared that crimes against humanity included “inhuman acts resulting from the policy of apartheid.”[34]. [520] COGAT, “A List of Dual-use Goods and Equipment Requiring a Special License for Transportation,” (Arabic) February 26, 2020, (accessed June 4, 2020). In the Negev in Israel, Israeli authorities have refused to legally recognize 35 Palestinian Bedouin communities, making it impossible for their 90,000 or so residents to live lawfully in the communities they have lived in for decades. These policies, practices, and statements collectively establish a discriminatory intent by Israeli authorities to maintain systematic domination by Jewish Israelis over Palestinians. ACRI, “East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures 2019.” The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center put the number of Jerusalem residents in Kufr Aqab at between 70,000 and 75,000, citing July 2020 data from the Jerusalem municipality. [125] See, for example, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael- Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF), “Jewish People Land,” (accessed June 1, 2020). 7- 10. [284] Hagar Shezaf, “Israel Rejects Over 98 Percent of Palestinian Building Permit Requests in West Bank's Area C,” Haaretz, January 21, 2020, (accessed June 4, 2020). [306] A mother of a 6-year-old girl in Bangui said she tries to get her daughter to do revision exercises, and three times a week they listen to programming on the radio. She said, “I dream of getting a Palestinian ID that would allow me to move freely and travel, then go back home to Gaza to see my family.” She now finds herself stuck, unable to visit her family, but unwilling to give up her dream of pursuing a better life in the West Bank. Human Rights Watch interviewed at least 177 education professionals such as principals, teachers, and school counsellors, from pre-primary schools, primary schools, secondary schools, and vocational secondary schools. In 2007, Hamas authorities seized power from the Fatah-led PA in Gaza. These longstanding policies and systematic practices box in, dispossess, forcibly separate, marginalize, and otherwise inflict suffering on Palestinians. [293] With gates at the entrances and exits to Palestinian enclaves, authorities can, at will, shut down the network and cut off traffic between different parts of the West Bank, creating what OCHA calls “an adaptable system of control.”[294]. [465] See, for example, Aseel Jundi and Atef Daghlas, “Why Has Israel Allowed the Palestinian Authority to Pave a Road in the Jerusalem Municipality?” (Arabic), Al Jazeera, February 26, 2020,القدس-إسرائيل-فلسطين-الاحتلال-شارع (accessed June 4, 2020). Since its annexation of East Jerusalem in 1967, it has applied its 1952 Law of Entry to Palestinians from there and designated them as “permanent residents,” the same status afforded to a foreigner who wants to live in Israel. Many policies, though, like the denial of building permits in Area C, East Jerusalem, and the Negev in Israel, residency revocations for Jerusalemites, or expropriation of privately owned land and discriminatory allocation of state lands, have no legitimate security justification. [124] The Arab Center for Alternative Planning v. Israel Land Administration (HCJ 9010/04), Adalah, et. [308] World Bank, “Assessment of Restrictions on Palestinian Water Sector Development,” p. 51. [482] Israeli authorities struck from the registry thousands of Palestinians from Gaza who were not present in the territory in 1967 when the occupation began, either because they had fled during the fighting or were already abroad, as well as more than 100,000 between 1967 and 1994 who had been abroad for long periods. In the West Bank, at least ten government ministries directly fund projects to serve settlements, and a Settlement Affairs Ministry was formed in May 2020. p. 69; Shira Robinson, Citizenship Strangers, p. 47. [243] “Nearly all prefectures in Japan shut schools amid coronavirus outbreak,” The Japan Times, March 2, 2020, (accessed November 30, 2020). iv. Interviewees included children or caregivers of children who: have various learning, physical, developmental, intellectual and sensory disabilities, autism, and expressive and receptive language disabilities; were adopted; have an autoimmune disease, or have parents or siblings with autoimmune disease; are of ethnic or racial minorities in the community or country in which they live; live in a foster care situation; have grandparents or other relatives acting as primary caregivers; have an incarcerated, or previously incarcerated, parent; are Indigenous; are LGBT; have LGBT parents; live in multigenerational households; speak a language spoken by a minority of the people in the area or country where they live; have married parents, separated parents, divorced parents, or a solo parent; have teenage mothers; are asylum-seekers, migrants, and refugees, both unaccompanied and with families; attend a residential school (boarding school); belong to a minority religion for their community or country; were suspected of having Covid-19 or whose parents were suspected of having Covid-19; and who work or were engaged in child labor either before or during the pandemic. [335] B’Tselem and Kerem Navot, “This Is Ours – And This, Too,” p. 55. 18 - 35; and Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, “General recommendation No. [272], Parents with little to no digital literacy struggled to help their children access the online education provided by their schools. 33,” December 2008. [141] The Israeli government has a ministry focused on the “development” of the Galilee and the Negev, has invested significantly in these areas, and has considered it a major government priority for much of the past two decades. While 80 percent of the Mountain Aquifer’s water recharge area lies beneath the West Bank,[304] Israel directly extracts about 90 percent of the water that is withdrawn from the aquifer annually, leaving Palestinians only the remaining 10 percent or so to exploit directly. Landsat-5 imagery courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey. ; and UNHCR, “Lebanon - Monitoring of the Effects of the Economic Deterioration on Syrian Refugee Households,” July 2020, p. 18. ; Gisha email to Human Rights Watch, April 4, 2021. [331] Al Haq, “Water For One People Only,” pp. First, they have declared close to 1.765 million dunams of land, almost one-third of the entire West Bank, as “closed military areas” as of March 2015, according to figures obtained by Kerem Navot. the suspension of basic civil rights, such as freedom of assembly and association, depriving millions of the opportunity to have a voice in the wide range of affairs that most affect their daily lives and futures. Others felt the loss of their autonomy. The 13-year-old closure sharply restricts the movement of goods. [340] Committee on the Rights of the Child, “General comment No. [747] B’Tselem, “Policy of Discrimination, Land Expropriation, Planning and Building in East Jerusalem,” January 1997, (accessed May 2, 2020). “It is really hard… There is not enough working space. “Arab Towns to Receive NIS 200 Million to Mitigate Severe Covid Financial Damages,” Adalah press release, June 4, 2020, (accessed June 16, 2020). The school tried to engage a “home school liaison officer” but were told they could not help because they were “running over” capacity because it was a “weird time.”[33], The director of an NGO in Madagascar that provides education and alternative care services to children either orphaned or unable to live with their parents, said that they were able to provide minimal tutoring to children who lived in their residential institution. [88] Gideon Alon and Aluf Benn, “Netanyahu: Israel's Arabs Are the Real Demographic Threat,” Haaretz, December 18, 2003, (accessed June 1, 2020). And Jerusalem, of course. It was double the workload and stress.”[291]. [383] Human Rights Watch interview with Miranda Edwards, preschool teacher, Redding Rancheria, California, United States, June 1, 2020. [419] Ir Amim, “The Separation Barrier,” (accessed June 4, 2020). (7)(2)(h), Emphasis added. Interviewees were not paid to participate. It’s not the same.”[270], One mother of two from Ontario, Canada, said this about her 14-year old daughter: “When she did interact back with her classmates… she was being cyber-bullied. On her way back, during transit via the West Bank from Jordan, she contemplated staying. v. Israel Land Administration et al., HCJ 6698/95, Judgment (Hebrew), March 8, 2000, (accessed July 14, 2020), p. 20. Israel’s refusal to update the population registry has applied even to requests to change addresses, which made the presence of Palestinians living in the West Bank, but registered in Gaza, illegal. [134] Israeli authorities authorize the WZO to establish settlements and settlers who purchase homes in settlements often sign contracts with the WZO instead of obtaining full title to the property. [427] Human Rights Watch interview with Sara W., 14, Lebanon, June 18, 2020. [165] Human Rights Watch interview with Sara W., 14, Saida, Lebanon, June 18, 2020. “Some don’t know how to use their phones or WhatsApp. There is also often a high correlation in some countries between rural families and low levels of income and parental education. In fact, some Israeli officials and parties advocated positions that, if implemented, could have avoided such policies. [479] The “compulsory” nature of primary education is an obligation firstly on governments to ensure that all children indeed receive a primary education. [437] Human Rights Watch interview with Laken Cantu, teacher, Houston, Texas, United States, June 12, 2020. UNICEF and the Palestinian Hydrology Group (PHG), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Monitoring Program (WASH MP), “Water for Life,” June 2011, [646], Shortly after the establishment of the Israeli state, Israeli authorities placed Nazareth under military rule and began in the 1950s implementing a policy to “Judaize the Galilee.”[647] The establishment of Nazareth Illit became a key part of that strategy, as the army’s then-Planning Department Director Yuval Ne’eman put it, to “emphasize and safeguard the Jewish character of the Galilee as a whole.”[648] The northern military governor at the time, Colonel Mikhael Mikhael, wrote that the establishment of Nazareth Illit would result in the “transfer of the center of gravity of life from Nazareth to the Jewish neighborhood.”[649], Israeli authorities established Nazareth Illit in the 1950s on lands belonging to residents of Nazareth and other nearby villages. [302] Human Rights Watch interview with Joyce L., 15, Kabwe, Zambia, June 4, 2020. [540] Ibid. [444] Human Rights Watch interview with support teacher, Emilia Romagna, Italy, June 18, 2020. [328] Human Rights Watch interview with mother, Lebanon, June 4, 2020. [254] Rozporz Ądzenie, Ministra Edukacji Narodowej, “w sprawie szczególnych rozwiązań w okresie czasowego ograniczenia funkcjonowania jednostek systemu oświaty w związku z zapobieganiem, przeciwdziałaniem i zwalczaniem COVID-19, Poz. Database of Companies in Israeli-controlled Territories: Pompeo,” Reuters, February 13, 2020, (accessed May 7, 2020). Governments that intentionally shut down or restricted access to the internet have not only violated multiple rights, but also risked people’s health and access to education. [197], In Kazakhstan, 16-year-old Serik R. said his school in Almaty wanted to hold classes on Zoom, but his internet connection was not capable of supporting it. [499], The pandemic has rendered internet access almost indispensable in realizing the right to education in a non-discriminatory and equitable manner. Interviews were conducted between April 2020 and April 2021. [805] Authorities have justified most revocations based on a failure to prove a “center of life” in Jerusalem, targeting those it said had been living in other parts of the OPT outside Jerusalem’s municipal borders or who had studied or lived abroad for extended periods of time. [17] The Knesset has also passed laws and formed committees that apply exclusively there. [847] “Israel Demolishes Bedouin Village for 185th Time,” Middle East Monitor, March 25, 2021 (accessed March 27, 2021); Oren Ziv, “If Pandemic Hits, Unrecognized Bedouin Villages Could ‘Become Like Northern Italy’,” +972 Magazine, March 29, 2020 (accessed May 3, 2020).. Also see Adalah, “From Al-Araqib to Susiya: The Forced Displacement of Palestinians on Both Sides of the Green Line,” May 2013, (accessed June 15, 2020); Oren Ziv, “Israel Steps Up Campaign Against Bedouin Village It Demolished 173 Times,” +972 Magazine. [749] Second, the Israeli army has issued formal no-construction orders, primarily along roads and parts of the separation barrier, on more than 488,600 dunams of Palestinian land in the West Bank, as documented by Kerem Navot. [309] Ibid., p. ix, 34; Al Haq, “Water for One People Only,” p. 42. [706] Between 2015 and 2019, the Israeli rights group HaMoked filed administrative appeals against 797 Israeli-issued travel bans on Palestinians. It highlighted several areas of strategic importance, including around Jerusalem, in the northwest West Bank, in the Jordan Valley, in the South Hebron Hills, and the northern edge of the West Bank, for which Israel should remain in control to “serve as buffer zones” and provide settlers “with a completely normal Israeli life in all ways.” It further designates “three strategic lateral corridors,” or strategic roads to run east-west across the West Bank, to serve as the “backbone” connecting the various settlements, “prevent uncontrolled Arab building,” and preserve “balance between the size of the Israeli and Arab populations.”[198], In 2001, shortly after his election as prime minister, Sharon said, “It’s not by accident that the settlements are located where they are,” so that “come what may, we have to hold the western security area, which is adjacent to the Green Line, and the eastern security area along the Jordan River and the roads linking the two. [813] The Defense (Emergency) Regulations, 1945, available at (accessed May 3, 2020). The report draws on years of research and documentation by Human Rights Watch and other rights organizations, including fieldwork conducted for this report. 28. The 213-page report, “A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution,” examines Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. I spoke to her on the phone, she said the device she had was old and didn’t work well.”[225], Célia L., 14, in France said, of accessing homework or classes on a mobile phone, “I couldn't access everything. See, UNESCO, “Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4), undated, (accessed May 6, 2021). In places where infrastructure has been destroyed, damaged, or never built, the absence of electricity has prevented most means of remote learning, except for those wealthy enough to afford private generators. [376] B’Tselem described these arrests in Issawiya as part of “an ongoing campaign of abuse and collective punishment against its residents,”[377] documenting how police forces regularly entered the neighborhood to “initiate ‘friction’… block the narrow streets, fire stun grenades, tear gas and sponge rounds and arrest and beat residents.”[378] The Israeli newspaper Haaretz, which has reported on near-daily raids, patrols, checkpoints, and ambushes in Issawiya, and described the policy as one of “collective punishment,”[379] found that only a “tiny fraction” of those arrested have been charged with stone-throwing or other offenses. The implications of the findings of this report for businesses are complex and beyond the scope of this report. [458], Even when the municipality provides services, it largely fails to meet the needs of residents. 3. Where governments previously used schools to deliver nutrition and health support, access to these wellbeing services by children was also often hampered by school closures. [592] Israeli authorities confiscated much of this land, several million dunams, from Palestinians through several different legal instruments, as documented in a later chapter of this report. Cooperate with and heed the recommendations of UN bodies and human rights mechanisms. Km. [286] By contrast, Israeli authorities offer a range of incentives, including housing benefits, business subsidies (particularly in agriculture and industrial zones), budgetary perks, and tax breaks to encourage Jewish Israelis to move to settlements. 3(1). Rather than demolish the buildings that settlers constructed on stolen land without permits, however, the authorities have, with a few notable exceptions, facilitated the land takeover by providing infrastructure, water, electricity, and other services. When education systems failed to provide teaching, or parents perceived the quality of the education offered through distance learning to be insufficient, some parents opted to pay for private tutoring for their children. [606] “Following Adalah Legal Action, Israel Expands Eligibility for Emergency COVID-19 Food Stamps Program,” Adalah press release, February 3, 2021, (accessed April 11, 2020). Many were not provided with financial assistance or the necessary equipment to deliver remote learning, and instead were expected to pay for these out of pocket. The early 2000s push, for example, to Judaize the Galilee and the Negev came as Israeli authorities were putting in motion their plans to withdraw from Gaza. [ 66 ] Human Rights Watch interview with Ray N., 16, Garissa, Kenya United States June! Were also conducted with experts from non-governmental organizations, education initiative volunteer, Croatia, July,... 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