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/H /I Supported Databases Hibernate supports almost all the major RDBMS database servers. 326 0 R /Border [ 0 0 0 ] endobj Guide covering topics of interest for developers looking to develop integrations with Hibernate. /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /Subtype /Link >> /H /I /Subtype /Link << /Type /Annot 376 0 obj /Rect [ 99.023 439.721 307.407 428.721 ] /H /I /A 50 0 R << /Type /Annot /H /I 259 0 R >> /H /I 217 0 obj /A 42 0 R /Subtype /Link endobj >> 204 0 R /C [ 0 0 0 ] >> /C [ 0 0 0 ] /C [ 0 0 0 ] /C [ 0 0 0 ] /Rect [ 99.023 711.383 243.222 700.383 ] >> << /Type /Annot endobj << /Type /Annot << /Type /Annot /Contents 448 0 R 235 0 obj >> ?M:TTk'`3L9fMPQ#>17r7msdH*gO\nBpf\g)]>8II8UPJ2+p\=+iCu+j>G^I7/%mcM<8]@.,?T948JX2d-06n7P.b>tX,0mg%.mRK,hABRX%Wl<=9,LGr(/#']J#98MWi[spX@\gIJ_$0N+IYQ"+dj6c!l2@a]dOG6!Re4IcAH!Wi=`V7VgWdu/)&cnMbo,U*4[Ug]2b2V-A)sD:(RGMQa7+"r_>!4cg(cZ](PWN /C [ 0 0 0 ] 328 0 R /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /C [ 0 0 0 ] endobj /Subtype /Link /Border [ 0 0 0 ] 114 0 R 216 0 obj /H /I 431 0 obj 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/C [ 0 0 0 ] 103 0 R /H /I /Rect [ 75.023 96.569 230.53 85.569 ] 144 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /Subtype /Link /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /Rect [ 75.023 639.893 232.059 628.893 ] Hibernate Validator is the reference implementation of Jakarta Bean Validation. /Rect [ 99.023 654.191 168.686 643.191 ] /H /I /Subtype /Link /H /I /Rect [ 99.023 654.191 168.686 643.191 ] << /Type /Annot 140 0 obj /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /Subtype /Link 13 0 R endobj /H /I endobj /Subtype /Link /Rect [ 99.023 768.575 183.965 757.575 ] 182 0 obj ] /Subtype /Link 410 0 R /Subtype /Link << /Type /Annot /H /I endobj 8 0 obj /Subtype /Link << /Type /Annot 110 0 R << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /Subtype /Link endobj << /Type /Annot /C [ 0 0 0 ] /A 141 0 R /C [ 0 0 0 ] endobj /Subtype /Link /C [ 0 0 0 ] 124 0 R /C [ 0 0 0 ] /Contents 107 0 R /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /C [ 0 0 0 ] /Contents 438 0 R >> /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /H /I /Subtype /Link /Rect [ 99.023 399.862 251.483 388.862 ] /H /I /Subtype /Link /Rect [ 99.023 425.423 205.976 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[ 0 0 0 ] HIBERNATE - Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java 1 Hibernate Reference Documentation 3.6.10.Final by Gavin King, Christian Bauer, Max Rydahl Andersen, Emmanuel Bernard, Steve Ebersole, and Hardy Ferentschik and thanks to James Cobb (Graphic Design) and Cheyenne Weaver (Graphic Design) /H /I /C [ 0 0 0 ] /A 250 0 R /Rect [ 75.023 654.191 170.052 643.191 ] /C [ 0 0 0 ] /Rect [ 99.023 697.085 179.686 686.085 ] << /Type /Annot 150 0 R << /Type /Annot << /Type /Annot /H /I 249 0 R << /Type /Annot /Rect [ 75.023 296.741 189.28 285.741 ] 299 0 R /A 205 0 R /H /I endobj >> >> << /Type /Page 83 0 obj '3]T0$BG\]"/3$Mc8EH#jUNk+OTm9@T`FS4'2EX>k.RtAAp/7!K[qAm[([Im6"oXo~> /C [ 0 0 0 ] /Subtype /Link /A 159 0 R /A 232 0 R endobj /Subtype /Link << /Type /Annot 154 0 R /Rect [ 75.023 196.655 190.512 185.655 ] /A 84 0 R /Subtype /Link << /Type /Annot /Border [ 0 0 0 ] << /Type /Annot >> 21 0 R >> 71 0 R /Border [ 0 0 0 ] 249 0 obj /A 20 0 R /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /Rect [ 73.023 308.571 175.048 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