This exhibit was created by a USU student. Hanging the “Tuskers” was voted down, but an order to get out of the valley within forty-eight hours, or be shot, was issued (Along the Ramparts. The tight chain prevented the beaver from reaching the bank, or its house. In 1833, Glass went on his last fur trapping expedition, near Fort Cass … Some people seem to indicate that the hot headgear item around the early 1800s was the [quote] “fur cap”. Glass’s real death was brutal. This fur was chemically treated, mashed, pounded, rolled, and turned into felt. Until the early 19th century, Native Americans used nets, snares, deadfalls, clubs, etc. Today, almost all trappers sell their pelts. There have been many requests for copies of pictures from the website. The Blackfeet and Sioux did not want Americans trading guns to the other Indian tribes along the Missouri River. The Fur Trapper article was written by Ned Eddins of Afton, Wyoming. Still, it should be noted the trapping of fur bearing animals was key to the mountain man and played a significant role in America’s western expansion. Lewis and Clark did not have beaver traps listed among their Indian trade goods, but several of the expedition members carried traps for their personal use. Explorers 1860-1879. Demand for furs waned as fashions changed in the middle of the 19th century, and fewer trappers headed to the rich trapping grounds in the upper Missouri and the Rocky Mountains. This fur company of the 1800s major goal was to train their men to do the trappings, rather than relying on trade with Native Americans. There is an excellent collection of early traps in the lobby of the Trapper Inn on North Cache Street in Jackson. Some articles are by recognized experts, others are by excellent trappers known only to a handful of people. Between 1840 and 1860, it is estimated seven hundred and twenty thousand Green River knives were shipped west. We know that beaver plews were used for beaver hats, but the history of felt and the use of beaver plews to produce the beaver felt hats are seldom explained. 500. Once Albert crawled through the wind-protected entrance, he built a fire outside the door, boiled his tea, and spent a “relatively” dry warn night. David Thompson claimed Northeast Indians were the. Not far away was a cliff the Sheepeater Indians drove mountain sheep off. To view a representative sample of the pictures on the CDs, click on…. These three creeks drain into the Hoback River. But, unlike many others, he also carried a Bible and exhibited a deep love for God. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so sad. PART II of TRAPPERS AND FUR TRADERS: 1790-1850 . during the 1820s and 30s. © 2021 The Fur Trade. Beaver traps created the Mountain Man and eventually the Rocky Mountain fur trade. He lived with the Crow for years and became a war chief. “one man was also tore nearly all to peases by a White Bear and was left by the way without any gun who afterwards recovered.” The pan shows the Newhouse Oneida stamp and the arm with the clamp on it. Russell lived in Deerfield, but as you pointed out the factory was in Greenfield. Ephraim Logan and Peter Skene Ogden, the names of whom still mark the areas they explored, entered as early as 1824 [2]. My genuine thanks!! The pictures make beautiful screensavers, or can be used as a slide show in Windows XP. The chain was tight and well anchored. … Being French protestants, the Huguenots fled primarily to England  from the French Catholic reign during the 16th and 17th centuries. The majority of … In the Mountain Man and Native American Fur Trade articles, the Plains Indians and Indians of the Rocky Mountain area are grouped together as Plains Indians. An old “trapper cabin” is occasionally found off the trail in heavy timber. There are no banner adds, no pop up adds, or other advertising, except my books — To keep the site this way, your support is appreciated. Kievan Russia, the first Russian State, was the first supplier of the Russian Fur Trade. George Bonga (1802 – 1880) was a Black Ojibwe fur trader, one of the first people of African descent born in the part of the Northwest Territory that later became the State of Minnesota. In a rock-covered streambed, beaver anchor willow branches between rocks until they get the willows interwoven and mudded. Five trappers were killed. (article name) Beaver fur was at its peak value for fur traders during the late 1600s and early 1700s as European men clambered for felt hats made from beaver pelt. The best website pictures, and others from Jackson Hole, Yellowstone, and Star Valley, Wyoming, have been put on a CD. Even Indians who were not hunters or trappers would trade other goods for fur because of its value. Old trapper in the American West, 1800s. Hosted by Inflight Creations. The fur trappers arrived at the Three Forks on April 3, 1810, and a trapping party was attacked on April 12th. This Sheepeater Lodge was found by Bob Miller near the head of the Gros Ventre Canyon. The North West trader François-Antoine Larocque took beaver traps to the Crow in 1805. Trapping of beaver by the mountain men in United States territories was illegal, but the laws were difficult to in force. The American fur business took tremendous impetus from the … Starting with thearrival of the Europeans up until the mid-19th century, the dominantcommercial activity in the region was without a doubt the fur trade. Mercury was used in this process. Dennis owns and operates Online Electronics in Jackson, Wyoming. In the early years of the fur trade, says Rocky Mountain National Rendezvous, trappers and mountain men spent part of the year transporting their furs all the way back to St. Louis, Missouri to sell their harvest and buy needed supplies for the next trapping season. At one time Orkneymen formed almost a majority of HBC employees. However, David Thompson mentioned fur trappers in the lower Red River of the North started using castoreum and beaver traps in 1797. At this point, North Horse Creek is fifty- to seventy-feet wide. Phil brings up a point that is often overlooked. In 1831, he was hired by John Gantt for a trapping expedition in the Rocky Mountains. Andrew Henry stayed at the Three Forks with sixty men, but by fall, he and his men had abandoned the area. View Previous. One pelt usually weighed about a pound and a half. Further out in deeper water, the willow stake was driven through the three-foot chain ring. Purchased by the government in 1869 and became a military fort. It wasn’t until the 1800s that fur trading began to wane and many fur traders had to find other ways to earn a living. In 1995, Thorpe published his memoir, "50 Years A Trapper & Treasure Hunter," which recounted his personal experiences and meetings with other trappers. Sometimes they traveled in independent parties for protection against Indians, some were free trappers, others were enrolled upon the lists of the organized fur companies and worked under orders. Your hostility to environmentalists is laughable. Beaver traps produced by the new company were stamped Newhouse Oneida Community on the pan of the trap. There were many individual variations to the typical beaver trap set. ). He was the only African American in the West to have his life story published (1856 ). Reply: You are absolutely right. Sewel Newhouse started making the #4 beaver trap in Oneida Co., New York in 1823. Before the European colonization of the Americas, Russia was a major supplier of fur pelts to Western Europe and parts of Asia. Some people seem to indicate that the hot headgear item around the early 1800s was the [quote] “fur cap”. The rock beaver dam in the above two pictures was washed out this spring (2003). Fur trappers, also known as Mountain Men, were the first white men to enter Cache Valley and the surrounding areas [1]. (Some of these trappers were also traders.) Afton, Wyoming. He was credited with the discovery of Beckwourth Pass in the Sierra Nevada in 1850 and improved a Native Ameri… Permission is given for material from this site to be used for school research papers. Although widely cited, this argument does not stand up. Prehistoric Indians 14,000-500 years ago. Six of the rendezvous were held on Horse Creek in the Green River Valley of Wyoming. These early explorers hunted beaver for their pelts which were in high demand for their use in fashionable hats back east and in Europe [1]. FUR TRAPPERS AND TRADERS. These items provide us… After 1886, the company cot out a V on the pan. When the beaver smelled the castor, it went to investigate. If the people that sent those emails had read the articles, they would know this site is not about  trapping. Fur Trade Era Historical Facts Images Maps. Native American Indians were the major source of beaver pelts and buffalo hides, for the Canadian, Great Lakes, and upper Missouri River fur trade. Trappers and fur trading companies were encouraged to take all the furbearers they could, by any manner they could, and that encouragement came from the United States government. Phil VonWalter, Black Diamond, Washington. Iroquois, Shawnee and Delaware played key roles alongside white trappers. Each trapper guarded his recipe and swore it was the best. From 1800 to about 1840, beaver fur was in great demand for making felt hats. In the early spring, beaver have been observed rolling rocks across the snow. The view is that Natives had a fixed demand for European goods that, at higher fur prices, could be met with fewer furs, and hence less effort. History of the Fur Trade. This Newhouse #14 trap is marked on the pan S. Newhouse Oneida Community Lititz. Mark Peterson of Jackson Hole, Wyoming took the above beaver picture. The Mountain Man Indian Fur Trade site is concerned with the history of the fur trade. Copyright © 2021 USU Digital Exhibits This Thomas Wilson knife came from the Sioux Reservation in South Dakota. While eating he rubbed his greasy hands on his clothes. These were in fashion in Europe and in the eastern United States. As they grew, some of the fur companies, according to To help obtain furs from this new western land, the "mountain men" were established. Pedro de Castañeda, chronicler of Francisco Vásquez de Coronado's 1540–42 expedition, mentioned the dressed skins the Plains Indians possessed and traded with the Spanish. In the Flathead area, the British firms continued to dominate the fur trade well into the 1800s, and it is probable that the first Euro-Americans in the Swan Valley were French Canadian trappers in their employ. Built in 1847 by Major Alexander Culbertson of the American Fur Company on the Missouri River for Blackfeet trade. Beaver hats were made from the barbed-fibrous under fur of the beaver pelt. The first probable fur trapper to see Great Salt Lake was Etienne Provost, a Taos trapper, in 1824. The Snake River brigades outfitted each trapper with six beaver traps. Fur trappers, also known as Mountain Men, were the first white men to enter Cache Valley and the surrounding areas [1]. I assume from illustrations from that period that all (or nearly all) these hats included a 360-degree brim and were quite often of the “top-hat” or even “stove-pipe”(?) A trap line “cabin” could be as simple as a four foot high flat roof on top of a four by four log wall. Haven’t heard much about the Sierra Club’s burn policy the last few years…suppose it is because of all the California fires? A small bottle of castor sold for ten- to twelve-dollars in St. Louis. The first trappers to mention the Great Salt Lake were Edward Robinson, John Hoback, Jacob Rezner, and Joseph Miller in 1812, whether they actually saw Great Salt Lake is open to conjecture. How do you explain John Muir’s legacy of preservation and the Sierra Club’s let burn policy? Some trappers did … The use of iron traps did not become wide spread until the early 1800s. Trappers typically headed west in the early summer, passing through the Scotts Bluff area to the Rocky Mountains, and returned east in the autumn with their furs. Thomas Fitzpatrick, a former fur trapper, guides first emigrant wagon train to Oregon: 1840: The fur trade starts to show signs of decline with the last rendezvous: 1850-1859: Few trappers visit Jackson Hole; the region is still used by Indians: 1852: Map of Western US: View Details. • Jim Beckwourth (1798–1866) was born into slavery, arrived in Missouri with his parents and was freed by his father. He was the second son born to an African-American father, Pierre Bonga, and an Ojibwe mother. I just wanted to point out that the J. RUSSELL CO. was in Greenfield, Mass. This old beaver house and dam is not far from where Mill Creek empties into the North Fork of Horse Creek. In addition to fur trading, he also became an interpreter. [2] => student exhibit Driven out by the French, the Huguenots carried with them the process developed for turning beaver plews into the felt used for beaver hats. Following the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, American trappers and traders began to enter the region in greater numbers, particularly north of the Arkansas River, even though the Spanish viewed the region as their territory. After the loss of eight men, their guns, traps, and seven horses, Pierre Menard took part of the trappers back to Fort Raymond. A resourceful Mountain Man could trap 400 to 500 pounds per year. Russell & Co American Cutlery.” As knife demand grew, Russell gradually phased out chisels and axes. In general, the trapper sharpened the big end of a thick willow before cutting the stick into two lengths. Castor, or castoreum, comes from two glands at the base of the beaver’s tail. The factory is still standing as of this date, but it is in such sad shape they are going to start demolition this summer. Prime beaver pelts were taken in the fall and early spring. It is very similar to the Hudson’s Bay traps made at Fort Vancouver. Despite the French and French-Canadian’s early domination of the fur trade, the majority of beaver. The iron trap was set out from the bank in ten inches of water and mud stirred around the trap to cover the iron jaws. This curtailed a “fur trade fair” system in existence for decades. The Newhouse beaver trap pictured above is through the courtesy of Diana and Tim Waycott, Trapper Inn, Jackson, Wyoming. Beaver Dam on Mill Creek – Sublette County Wyoming. The Rendezvous System lasted from 1825 to 1840. I have seen such hats at rendezvous re-enactments. Montana Fur Posts. I’m not sure if this is a little off your usual subject matter, but I’ve been curious for some time (due to the sometimes unspecific nature of history text) about the nature of the beaver hats so popular in the East and in Europe during this period. Fur trappers used many types of shelter from a simple lean-to, to stacked poles covered with brush. The picture below shows a rock-based dam being built across the North Fork of Horse Creek. The trapper’s clothes were made of leather as it proved more durable and lasted longer than wool or cotton fabrics. When ordering Mountains of Stone, request the CD and I will send it free with the book. I’m curious as to whether the latter type are usually coarser or less-refined felting jobs — or perhaps actually very well-tailored hide hats with the fur still on the beaver skin. By the late 1600’s, the French were importing felt beaver hats from England. One season, all of the fur Thorpe collected earned him roughly $20,000. By in large, Indians did not send out large war parties in the winter time. This type is one of the earliest traps used in the fur trade. The fringe along the seams … Please Note: There have been several emails against the trapping of fur bearing animals. I suspect that this is a misnomer; that it is more accurately a reference to what the trappers, themselves, were wearing and making deep in the interior — … If anyone has any information on this stamp, I would appreciate it. Ephraim Logan and Peter Skene Ogden, the names of whom still mark the areas they explored, entered as early as 1824 [2]. Who is Jim Bridger? Proudly powered by Omeka. If Henry and his men were continuously harassed by the Blackfeet, when did they have time to cut and haul logs to build a fort? View Next. Has the reputation of being the most important of all the fur-trade forts. The National Elk Refuge was established when the Sierra Club, or the term environmentalist, wasn’t know to most people. Seeking a cheaper power source, Russell purchased a site with buildings and a dam to provide water power in the Green River Valley of Massachusetts. Its trade developed in the Early Middle Ages ( 500–1000 AD/CE ), first through exchanges at posts around the Baltic and Black seas. It can be argued Americans trading directly with Native American Indian tribes was a major factor in the hostility of the Blackfeet, Arikara, and Sioux toward the Mountain Men. This is the Wikipedia entry for Sierra Club: “It was founded on May 28, 1892, in San Francisco, California, by the conservationist and preservationist John Muir, who became its first president.”. The beaver drowned in the deep water. By the late seventeen hundreds, the Plains Indians were exchanging beaver pelts and horses to the Hudson’s Bay and North West fur traders for European goods on the Kootenae Plains and at the Missouri River trade fairs. I do not have a reference to David Thompson carrying beaver traps. 500. By 1822, the St. Louis based fur companies employed Americans, French-Canadians, and Indians, especially Delaware and Iroquois to do the trapping. Breathing mercury fumes led to the expression “Mad as a Hatter”. Once the trap was set, the leafy end of the willow was dipped into a container of castoreum. Inside was a pile of wood, tea, jerky, and a blanket. The Winds of Change CD contains different pictures than those on the Mountains of Stone CD. Bob McNeel showed me three of Albert’s trap line cabins; one on Kilgore Creek, one on Bondurant Creek, and one on Cliff Creek. Contrast these beaver dam picture with the Mill Creek beaver dam which was built on a mud-bottomed stream. From the early 1820s to the early 1840s, buckskin-clad young white men trapped beaver in the Rockies – Jim Bridger, Kit Carson, Tom Fitzpatrick, and their ilk. I have not heard of any Samuel Newhouse traps stamped this way. I suspect that this is a misnomer; that it is more accurately a reference to what the trappers, themselves, were wearing and making deep in the interior — easily sewn or laced pieces of hide forming a hood or a cap with or without a leather brim (often in the front only) and infinitely more practical for wearing in the brush and woods along beaver streams. A trap this size was primarily used for wolves and mountain lions. From 1818 to 1821, the North West Company’s sent three fur trapping brigades to the upper Snake River country under Donald Mackenzie, a former Astorian. Beaver hats served as a status symbol for position and wealth from the 1600s to the mid-1800s. In a letter written by fur trapper Daniel Potts in 1825 to a friend in Philadelphia, he recounted the story of Hugh Glass’ death defying skirmish with a grizzly as well as referring to the color of the bear’s fur. He was widely recognized enough to be inducted into the National Trappers … Castoreum was also used in perfumes and in medicines for a variety of illnesses; it contained acetylsalicylic acid…the main component of aspirin. The National Elk Refuge has been expanded to approximately twenty-five thousand acres of land and feeds around seventy-five hundred elk each winter. Standing on its hind feet to sniff the scented end sprung the trap. This view shows a collection of willows below the rocks. I lived in Greenfield for several years. Godly mountain man: like all fur trappers of the early 1800s, Jedediah Smith wore buckskin and carried a rifle. However, I suspect that the hot selling headwear in the civilized East was not a cap per se, but actually a “full-blown” hat produced by professional hatters … who could barely keep up with all their orders. Conservationists, dude ranchers, and yes, even the environmental-maligned plain old ranchers viewed these herds as a national treasure. The fur industry moved west in 1805 during the Louis and Clark expedition. Elk migrated into Jackson Hole from areas as far north as Yellowstone National Park. 2002. A forest fire occurred in this area of North Horse Creek in 2002. Introduction The following results fill in an important gap in the history of trapping and medicine. The artist, Frederick Remington, drew this image years after these "mountain men" had passed from the scene. Their activities opened that region of the United States to general knowledge. Citation: Eddins, Ned. By the 1830s, fur trapping reached its peak. The North American fur trade, an aspect of the international fur trade, was the acquisition, trade, exchange, and sale of animal furs in North America. In September, Henry’s men crossed the Continental Divide, and spent the winter on Henry’s Fork of the Snake River. An estimate in 1906 placed the number of elk killed for the two ivory canine teeth to  the equivalent of ten years of normal hunting…back East, a pair of bull elk teeth were worth from twenty-five to one hundred dollars. Orkney fur trappers in Canada complained so loudly about the unseaworthiness of American Indian birchbark canoes that they eventually brought over a modified version of their own boats to haul New World trade goods. Finally, there was no “conservation ethic”. They hunted wild game for food and wore clothing made of animal skins. After the flattened wool dried, it was used as a water-resistant cloth for tents and wagon. For an explanation, click on beaver hats. Find Out More. Any light you might be able to shed would be very much appreciated! raised at the Missouri River villages, horses, furs, and hides from the Plains Indians, and whiskey, guns, iron goods, trade beads, and a few beaver traps from the North West traders. The value of beaver pelts was based on made beaver. The beaver dam pictures on the Mountain Man-Indian Fur Trade site are about twenty-five miles west of the Mountain Man Horse Creek Rendezvous sites of 1833, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1839, and the last one in 1840. Tired of staying behind the barricade, George Drouillard and two Delaware Indians went up the Gallatin River to trap where they were killed by the Blackfeet. Many of the branches are discarded as the beavers start to interlace them between the rocks. To protect and feed the elk during the winter months, local residents of Jackson Hole established an elk refuge in 1912. Beaver fur, which was used in Europe to make felt hats, became the most valuable of these furs. To email a comment, a question, or a suggestion click on Mountain Man. In addition to beaver pelts, traders traded for Indian beaver robes that had been worn for eighteen months or so…used beaver robes made the best quality hats and brought a premium. Russell & Co. Green River Works.”. Stamped – Thomas Wilson Shear Steel Sheffield, England, The first use of felt material is buried deep in world history. In February 1836, Russell moved his factory to a location on the Green River, but on March 15, 1836, a fire burned out the forging shop. Although the aggressive … That’s 20 years before the Elk Refuge. The Green River Works buildings have been demolished, but to give credit to the town, they did try every way possible to save the buildings…there was so much pollution in and around the grounds of the buildings that the cost of clean-up would have been prohibitive. Beginning in the early 1800s, a number of American fur trading companies began. Trappers mixed castor with cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, alcohol, and anything else that came to mind. Several items related to the 1800 to 1810 period in trapping were published in 1889-1890. Fort Raymond (Fort Ramon, Fort Lisa) was built by Manuel Lisa in 1807. The thick end was forced into the bank with the smelly end hanging above the trap. Called J. Russell & Co., his first knives were simple butcher and carving knives. It is generally thought by 1840 the beaver era was over, but Hudson’s Bay Company records show three million beaver pelts were sold in London between 1853 and 1873. Is a drawing of a thick willow before cutting the stick into lengths... Fur cap ” and wagon of Afton, Wyoming trapper cabin ” is occasionally found off the in... Indians drove Mountain sheep off Fort Vancouver French Huguenots were the most of! Made at Fort Vancouver and operates Online Electronics in Jackson the Russian fur trade fair ” system existence! Laughable if it wasn ’ t so sad suggestion click on the fur trappers in the 1800s, click on… pictures was out... Prime beaver pelts were taken in the early 19th Montana fur posts relied on the various Indian tribes the. 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