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Still, their heads are considered high ranking advisors to the president. State: The Secretary of State oversees international relations. Here I note that most of these people are employed by Departments that are not established under the Constitution but rather should be employees of the States, (where the number could be reduced by efficiency alone). From the Constitution Here is the text of the Tenth Amendment from the Constitution: of Defense where they embrace their peers. All rights reserved. Sign up for our daily email and get the stories everyone is talking about. Abbott And CPD-Amount Of Illegal Fentanyl Entering US Through Mexico Skyrocketing, Rep. Cori Bush alleges she was cured of COVID by faith healer over the phone, Of Injections & Inflation: The Rotten Fruit Of COVID Tyranny, WATCH: Kentucky Bro’s 50 Cal Blown To Pieces, Nearly Kills Him While Filming YouTube Vid, U.S. Supreme Gives Gun Owners a Win, Rules Warrantless Gun Confiscation is Unconstitutional, E160: Sex Slavery On The Southern Border (Language Warning), E159: Cigars & Sermons - Under The Influence, E158: Biden's Party Is Saddled With The Deadly Sin of Envy, E157: The Crap King David Went Through Made Him Better, Not Bitter, E156: God's Radical Love For Radically BAD People, E154: Pastor Tells Covidicators To Pound Sand - Gets Arrested. (*9) Education: The Secretary of Education oversees public schools. In the 5-4 decision, Justice Antonin Scalia wrote the majority opinion which struck down part of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act in violation of the 10th Amendment. bloviates while our American heroes die! . 20 terms. His wife is a German immigrant, now a proud American and together they enjoy gardening. This Department, (with the EPA, Dept. Hosep Krikor Bajakajian decided to go to Cyprus in 1994 to … Back to the States! Interpreting the Bill of Rights. The present Administration is promoting a 10 dollar a barrel crude oil tax said to be for highway repair but will be filtered again by congress to their favorite contractors and allies. The 10th Amendment - Definition & Famous Cases - InfoTracer Les takes breaks from gardening to express himself to the politicians by phone, email and now thru ClashDaily/DougGiles. If we check the Constitution, it nowhere says that food, drugs, weapons, nuclear waste, animal welfare, etc. But are my peers aware of which Amendment is violated most? Image: Gun Control is an example. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. of Commerce, Dept. Until retirement, his writing experience was limited to technical occupational reports. “The Federal Government may neither issue directives requiring the States to address particular problems, nor command the States’ officers, or those of their political subdivisions, to administer or enforce a federal regulatory program,” Scalia said. FINALLY. My city government proudly emailed me that it violates the 6th as a standard practice. Free enterprise is frowned upon and even the White House overtly threatens to destroy any energy source he does not approve of. This amendment states that any power not specifically given to the federal government by the Constitution belongs to the States and the people. VIOLATION OF THE 10TH AMENDMENT Has Given Us the Government We Now Have. The Dept. (*6) Housing and Urban Development: The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development administers affordable housing and city planning. “The anti-commandeering doctrine may sound arcane, but it is simply the expression of a fundamental structural decision incorporated into the Constitution, i.e., the decision to withhold from Congress the power to issue orders directly to the States,” Alito wrote. Filed Under: 10th Amendment, Supreme Court, Article III, Section 1. (*7) Transportation: The Secretary of Transportation oversees transportation infrastructure and policies. Everest To Stop The Spread Of COVID-19 — No, This Is Not Satire. (*4) Labor: The Secretary of Labor is responsible for occupational safety and workplace regulation. In the 5-4 decision, Justice Antonin Scalia wrote the majority opinion which struck down part of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act in violation of the 10th Amendment. United States v. Bajakajian, 1998. The Tenth Amendment was part of the Bill of Rights that was added to the Constitution on December 15, 1791. When two Union Leaders such as John L. Lewis and Dave Beck, (to name only two) separately began to threaten the shutdown of U.S. industry even in time of war, Union boldness exceeded their useful life. In 2013, a young man named Justin Marshall was convicted of the 2009 killing of a 64-year-old landlord of an Iowa City apartment building; he was sentenced to life in prison. Cruel and Unusual Punishment. I find it unbelievable that a bureaucrat in the District of Corruption can accurately and fairly dictate how to produce apples in WA & NY, wheat in KA & OK, corn and hogs in IA, poultry in MN, oranges in FL, almonds in CA, lettuce in AZ, cattle in TX, milk in WI, fish in AK and the list goes on. The only lands that the Federal Government should control under the Constitution is the District of Columbia, Military Bases and little more. The knit between many politicians and certain union leaders is appalling. For the last year available, 2014, the total civilian federal employees was reported as 2,663,000. ... 10th Amendment. HHS also is the primary sponsor of the Affordable Health Care Act, (ObamaCare) that grew their Department exponentially while putting the American Health Care system on a path to equal a third world country. It worked well until these gas taxes were raised and then folded into the General Fund so that Congress could treat it just like the Social Security taxes, a money pot. Les Weaver: Born into abject poverty in 1934, he spent his teen years on farms as a foster child and was classified as a farm laborer when he joined the Navy in 1952. By: Tenth Amendment | Published on: Sep 15, 2008 | Categories: Drug War. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. This federalism argument has been at the heart of recent controversies involving legalized sports betting, sanctuary cities, and the state regulation of marijuana laws. Common Core is despised by an increasing number of parents but to even question such at a school board can result in iron fisted retaliation. In National League of Cities vs. Ursery , the U.S. Supreme Court was called to determine whether the 10th Amendment prohibited Congress from exercising commerce powers over state employees, as … . There is nothing in the Constitution about gun control, the Supreme Court ruled. We see governments who retaliate against people for exercising those rights. They got that power by ignoring and going around the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights. . The Court’s New Federalism doctrines, in general, and its Tenth Amendment cases, in particular, lack foundations in text or sound policy. Those are the precious rights contained in the very First Amendment to the Constitution and we see them violated every single day. . Examine this list and note those that are totally illegal under the Constitution, and those that are over-bloated. DEAR DADS: Can Your Daughter Defend Herself? Specifically, the Brady Act’s requirement for local sheriffs to perform gun background checks conflicted with the concept of “anti-commandeering” which had been set out as an important component of federalism in an earlier case, New York v. United States (1992). Other examples might be trying to apply anti-gambling laws to a group of friends sitting down to a friendly game of poker, or applying anti-prostitution laws to … The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution states: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to … The Dept. Sex Slavery On The Southern Border (Language Warning), Border Mayhem: Here’s The TRUTH About Biden’s Border BS, Gov. For example, in Kent v. Dulles (1958), the court wrote, The right to travel is a part of the “liberty” of which the citizen cannot be deprived without due process of law under the Fifth Amendment. In September 2009, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit held that Bond lacked standing to challenge the constitutionality of the statute on the basis of the Tenth Amendment. In addition to the secretaries of the established executive departments, there are some cabinet-level officers who are the heads of independent executive agencies. As It Stands by Dave Stancliff /For the Eureka Times-Standard. (Heavily Armed! Many of us fear what this generation of Core educated children will become once out in society. Sign up to receive Constitution Weekly, our email roundup of constitutional news and debate, at, Interactive Constitution: Classroom Edition, Jeffrey Rosen and Ali Velshi Discuss the Facebook Oversight Board’s Ban on President Trump’s Account, Akhil Reed Amar on The Words That Made Us. These cabinet-level officers include the vice president, the chief of staff, the director of the Office of Management and Budget, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the trade representative, the Ambassador to the United Nations, the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, and the administrator of the Small Business Administration. Smart conversation from the National Constitution Center. . The Eighth Amendment is an important restraint on the government's ability to cause harm to individuals, whether economically through an excessive bail or fine, or physically. Setting a precedent with important implications today, the Supreme Court’s decision from 1997 in Printz v. United States reaffirmed states’ rights and the Constitution’s anti-commandeering provisions. Who is better qualified to manage grazing land in the West; a Congressman from MA or HI? Clintons attempt at national gun control was struck down as unconstitutional. Several Supreme Court cases have recognized a right to travel. Even at this moment, High School graduates know almost nothing of World History, U.S. History, fundamental Grammar, practical Mathematics, Geography or Civics. To quote: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”. In particular and recently, we hear about government attempts to violate the 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendments in the Bill of Rights. (Lots of corruption & waste but stolen from by other Depts.). Who is better qualified to manage the forests in OR; a Senator from KA? The V.A. Two Scientists Discuss Ivermectin As A Possible COVID Treatment — Watch It While You Still Can! (*3) Commerce: The Secretary of Commerce is concerned with economic growth. of State, Dept. I firmly believe that the greatest agricultural nation on this planet could and should operate without the D.C. mixture of bureaucratic fertilizer and its associated costs. For example, the 5th Amendment protects a defendant who provides police with information during an interrogation, which happened after not being read his Miranda rights. The tenth amendment says: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. Now friends, how many of these functions and responsibilities should revert to the States as the Constitution dictates? Justice: The Attorney General is responsible for law enforcement. But there is another argument, similarly novel and ahistorical, that has gone relatively unnoticed – that the ACA violates the Tenth Amendment and related federalism principles. The argument is that the Tenth Amendment is a bulwark against federal overreaching in the ACA: the Tenth Amendment cabins federal power, protects state citizens, and protects states’ rights. This Tenth Amendment … Two highly visible examples of current states’ rights issues include marijuana legalization and gun control. of Treasury have done more to remove industry and food production from the U.S. while promoting import from other countries by signing onto unfair trade agreements and regulations that handicap the American producer of both food and industrial product. and Dept. Think of all the idiots in Congress that promote that they know what is best for everyone, everywhere at any time. (*9) While a growing number of parents are clamoring for home schooling and charter schools, the government tries to jail any parent that disagrees with their “public schooling”. The following is a summary of the Eighth Amendment and criminal punishment, with an emphasis on the rights of the accused. (*3) The Department of Commerce has a history that the only growth it succeeds at is their own growth. (*2) ARMED. Nuff said. At first glance, the 1947 Mitchell ruling as given by Justice Stanley Reed sounds sensible enough: The powers granted by the Constitution to the Federal Government are subtracted from the totality of sovereignty originally in the states and the people. of Labor and Dept. of Ag. Ignoring the Constitution is technically a criminal act. This fault alone endangers every citizen by the exposure to diseases never before heard of in our country and also infestation of diseases that once were defeated within our borders. These agencies do not answer to the president directly and, therefore, there are no executive departments strictly speaking. This tells you that your Senators and Congressional Rep. are likely NOT representing the true interest of your state but rather their own collective power. should be regulated by the US. (*6) To understand the failure of Housing and Urban Development, take a tour of Detroit or the urban housing development in NYC, Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia, and every other major U.S. city. China Is Drawing A Line At The Top Of Mt. (Another example is the aviation fuel tax said to be for aviation control safety while the system remains decades obsolete). A landmark decision for all Californian’s quietly made history on August 20th in a Santa Cruz courtroom. The 10th Amendment was put in the Bill of Rights to restate that this is a government of Specified Powers. Every American can grow this question. The 9th amendment to the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, addresses rights of the people that are not specifically enumerated in the Constitution. Marijuana Legalization While at least 10 states have enacted laws allowing their residents to possess, grow, and sell marijuana for recreational and medical use, the possession, production, and sale of marijuana continues to be a violation of federal drug laws. (*8) Energy: The Secretary of Energy is responsible for research into energy sources and the handling of nuclear material. “Such commands are fundamentally incompatible with our constitutional system of dual sovereignty.”. For the first time since 1996, when the Compassionate Use Act was passed, the federal authorities have been charged with violating the 10th Amendment for harassing medical marijuana … Which and/or who spends the most money and has the greatest staff that is in violation of its very existence? The answer from HUD is to plea for more money to create more of the same. Bond was charged with several crimes, including use of Specifically, the Brady Act’s requirement for local sheriffs to perform gun background checks conflicted with the concept of “anti-commandeering” which had been set out as an important … have become the new enemy of the Veteran. The 10th Amendment says that, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” In New York v. United States, Justice O’Connor wrote that a federal waste-management law “would ‘commandeer’ state governments into the service of federal regulatory purposes, and would for this reason be inconsistent with the Constitution’s division of authority between federal and state governments.”, In Printz, Justice Scalia reinforced that concept. of Energy was one of President Carter’s ideas. Treasury: The Secretary of the Treasury is concerned with financial and monetary issues. It states The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. (Bloated to manipulate money). After that service, he had a short stint at a University but moved on to 35 years associated with the engineering and technical sciences in Aero-Space, retiring from two Aerospace giants in senior positions and a small business. By Innocence Staff. has become a pot for bureaucrats to dip into and a place to promote lifetime tenure for select individuals while doing nothing for the veterans. (*2) Agriculture: The Secretary of Agriculture advises policy on food, farming, and agricultural trade. Probably the most famous example is Connecticut law against birth control, which the SCOTUS struck down in Griswold. EVERY Federal “Monument” and “Reserve is technically a federal land grab from the states. Jon Brodkin - … This is amplified by their ability to destroy even “Mom & Pop” businesses. For State figures: search “”. (*10) Veterans Affairs: The Secretary of Veterans Affairs coordinates programs and benefits for veterans Looking ahead to a Supreme Court case on New York’s concealed carry gun law, experts on both sides join Jeffrey Rosen. of Energy, its sponsors and supporters. of Ag, Dept. Justice Samuel Alito’s majority opinion in the recent Murphy v. NCAA case emphatically restated the ideas expressed by O’Connor and Scalia as the Court settled a controversy about New Jersey’s desires to start legal sports betting despite a federal law that prohibited such actions. Article V of the Constitution defines the only way Amendments to this law may be accomplished and it is not by Presidential, Governor, Mayoral or any other dictate. But they do know how to conclude that 2 x 3 =7 and put on a condom. 20 terms. Fourth Amendment — Some federal courts have ruled that the Obama administration violated the “unreasonable searches and seizures” clause by using the National Security Agency to “search” Americans’ phone calls, which has now become the subject of international debate—and criticism. (*7) President Eisenhower sponsored a 4 cent gas tax to build our interstate highway system. The tributes to HUD are high rise buildings that have turned into urban slums and rat infested rubble. They cohere with each other to maintain central power that ignores this vital part of OUR BILL OF RIGHTS! to control even private farm land use. Scary isn’t it? The V.A. They have made every attempt to disallow the U.S. from developing any but Solar and Wind power. The Hatch Act violated the Ninth and 10th amendments, he said. The United Mine Workers, United Auto Workers, Teamsters and so many others lifted the masses from abject serfdom to middle class. (*1) Interior: The Secretary of the Interior oversees federal land and natural resource use. Space Force Commander ‘Temporarily Reassigned’ After Saying Marxism Has Infiltrated The Military, CLINTON FOUNDATION: Judge Gives Hillary BAD News About IRS Investigation, Candace Owens Compares Chrissy Teigen To Predators Weinstein And Epstein For ‘Publicly Victimizing Women’, FBI Admits What We All Knew About The Scalise Shooting . (*8) The Dept. of State) have nearly destroyed U.S. energy. These policies affect interests that are constitutional in nature. Therefore, we may question even the existence of many very powerful but illegal Federal Departments and the size of others. In 2014 the military employed 1,459,000 and the Judicial Branch an additional 63,000. (*10) Veterans affairs is such a tragedy that it should be mostly rolled into the civilian medical system and the balance to the Dept. (Bloated to serve other Depts). © Copyright 2021 Clash Daily. ... Bill of Rights Examples. Share if you agree it’s time for a revival of the 10th Amendment. For reference to the number of Federal employees, search Number of Federal Employees. (*11) Homeland Security is, and will remain a farce as long as we have open borders and the Executive Dept. Bond's husband had a child with Haynes while married to Bond. The BLM controls all “federal” lands and works close with the Dept. NCAA” New Jersey maintains that a federal statute that prevents it from modifying or repealing a state law commandeers the regulatory power of the state and thus violates the Tenth Amendment. Start studying What amendment is being violated?. tennis_is_my_life. “Conspicuously absent from the list of powers given to Congress is the power to issue direct orders to the governments of the States. More and more we are becoming aware of citizens pushing back at their government from Municipal to the President that their rights under the Constitution are being violated. of Commerce, with the Dept. A large piece of our national debt can be traced directly to the existence of the Dept. The 10th Amendment states: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are … Defense: The Secretary of Defense supervises national defense and the armed forces. (*5) Health and Human Services: The Secretary of Health and Human Services is charged with ensuring the health and well-being of Americans. The National League of Cities quickly challenged the amendment, claiming it violated the 10th Amendments limitation on the federal government’s powers. Haynes had contacted police and postal authorities after finding the chemicals at her home. These two are among the biggest reason for the U.S. to no longer be the world industrial leader. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Again. It is the 10th of the original Bill of Rights. (*5) Health and Human Services allows immigrants to cross our borders unimpeded by health checks. of this nation will not accept identifying who the enemy is. Young Iowan Gets New Trial Based on Violation of Sixth Amendment Right. Please disable your Ad Blocker to better interact with this website. Has expanded to attempt forceful takeover of state & municipal law enforcement by threat). The anti-commandeering doctrine simply represents the recognition of this limit on congressional authority,” he added. In a welcome win for private property rights, the Michigan Supreme Court unanimously ruled that law enforcement violated the Fourth Amendment by trespassing without a warrant. of Ag. Petitioner Carol Anne Bond spread chemicals around the home of Myrlinda Haynes to seek revenge for Haynes’s impregnation by Bond’s husband. Published on April 2, 2016 ... citizens pushing back at their government from Municipal to the President that their rights under the Constitution are being violated. (*1) ARMED. of Labor no longer hides that it has become an extension of Union bosses and, between them, dictates how farm and industry must be run. Then many Union leaders became corrupt and with them, many politicians. That pot became a source to dip for pet grants to friends and supporters of select Congress persons. The 10th was put there to bring most decisions back to where “We the People” live and can control our own destiny.. That power now resides in 535 people in Congress and a self-anointed Monarch that the 535 suck up to. Too many civilians in the V.A. ERgo Pres. (*4) There was a time when Unions were badly needed and benefited American laborer. Lawsuits argue that being forced to wear a mask is a violation of constitutional rights, but a 115-year-old precedent has stood in the way of the suits succeeding. The greatest law ever to allow human freedom begins; “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more Perfect Union…….”. (*11) Homeland Security: The Secretary of Homeland Security is responsible for domestic security measures. That is the type of litigation that we pursue to help people get a remedy for these violations of their rights. Police seizure of text messages violated 4th Amendment, judge rules But legality of warrantless cell phone seizures is still unsettled nationwide. In such a case, all of the information he gave to the police can be considered inadmissible and thrown out – even if he confessed to the crime. Based on violation of Sixth Amendment right be traced directly to the Constitution Here is text... Is technically a federal land grab from the states and the people Branch. States that any power not specifically given to the existence of the Eighth Amendment criminal... Know how to conclude that 2 x 3 =7 and put on condom... Supervises national defense and the handling of nuclear material and with them, many politicians and certain Union became! 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