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In this article. On a disk that contains valid bootstrap code, the last two bytes of the MBR should always be 0x55 0xAA.5If the last two bytes of the MBR do not equal 0x55 and 0xAA respectively, the BIOS will assume that the disk is not bootable and is not a valid boot option – in this case, it will fall back to the next device in the boot order list (as configured in the BIOS setup). This article has been unofficially dubbed Everything you ever wanted to know about how your PC boots, part one. ↩, It’s the BIOS that’s responsible for a variety of error messages such as “. An end-of-sector marker, very similar to the 0x55 0xAA boot signature we saw earlier in the MBR. Enter the BIOS Setup Utility. 440 bytes is incredibly small. "How BIOS Works" During the POST procedure, quick tests are conducted where possible, and errors caused by incompatible hardware, disconnected devices, or failing components are often caught. This list now comes in handy, as the BIOS will load a very small program from the first hard disk to the memory and tell the CPU to execute its contents, handing off control of the computer to whatever is on the hard drive and ending its active role in loading your PC. GRUB was the predominantly-used bootloader for Linux in the 1990s and early 2000s, designed to load not just Linux, but any operating system implementing the open multiboot specification for its kernel. The following diagram demonstrates the steps involved in a system boot process −. The grub.cfg file, normally located at /boot/grub/grub.cfg on the boot partition, bears resemblance to shell scripts and supports advanced concepts like functions. When your PC is first powered up, a lot happens. This article explores the Linux boot process from the initial bootstrap to the start of the first user-space application. If the computer is already running a local user, including root or an unprivileged user, the user can programmatically initiate the boot sequence by using the GUI or command line to initiate a First, if power is turned off, turning on the power will begin the boot process. always load the bootsector of the 3rd partition) and the offset of the boot code within the partition bootsector might change (e.g. keyboard error or no keyboard present” or warnings about mismatched/unrecognized memory. At the Boot interface, select UEFI/BIOS Boot Mode, and press Enter. Over time and with better technology, erasable ROM chips were developed that could be cleared by placing them in a box and blasting them with a dosage of UV (ultraviolet) radiation, then reprogramming their contents with ROM chip programming hardware. Once the instructions are found, the CPU takes control and loads the OS into system memory. GRUB and initrd: Load the OS on the Boot Process. The computer system undergoes several phases of initialization from the power-on event until it offers the fully functional operating system (OS) to the user. In the diagram below, the boot sequence for all standard computers and operating systems is shown: As you can see, the boot process is broken down into several major components, each of which is a completely-separate subsystem with many different options and variations. Through standardized calls to the BIOS (“interrupts” in computer parlance), the operating system can trigger the BIOS to read and write to the disk and interface with other hardware components. GRUB’s configuration file containing a whitespace-formatted list of operating systems was often called menu.lst or grub.lst, and found under the /boot/ or /boot/grub/ directory. This typically includes information about: Any special drivers, such as the ones for small computer system interface (SCSI) adapters, are loaded from the adapter, and the BIOS displays the information. A value of 1234h indicates a reboot, and the BIOS skips the rest of POST. It does this by checking the value at memory address 0000:0472. Looking to the appropriate boot drive, the BIOS will first encounter the boot record, which tells it where to find the beginning of the OS and the subsequent program file that will initialize the OS. Whenever you turn on your computer, the first thing you see is the BIOS software doing its thing. BIOS Initialization During the BIOS Initialization phase, the platform firmware identifies and initializes hardware devices, and then runs a power-on self-test (POST). Kernel. As these values could be changed by recompiling GRUB with different options, different Linux distributions had this file located under different names in different directories. Every hard disk has an MBR, and it contains several important pieces of information. The kernel, once it is loaded in step 4, it finds init in sbin (/sbin/init) and executes it. It’s currently used in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10, as well as Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2012. If it does not find the proper files on a device, the startup process will halt. The CPU looks to the ROM bios for the first instruction, and the first instruction is to run the … On most modern operating systems, 440 is the upper limit as the last 6 bytes are set aside for the 4-byte disk signature at offset 0x01B8 and a 2-byte field indicating the read-write state of the drive at offset 0x01BC (with 0x00 indicating read-write and 0x5A5A indicating a read-only drive). On a correctly-created MBR disk, only one partition can be marked as active at a time.4. It is a self-contained bootloader with many more options, especially designed to be compatible with newer functionality in modern operating systems and designed with EFI and GPT in mind (though only certain versions of BOOTMGR support loading Windows from a GPT disk or in a UEFI/EFI configuration). The BIOS code is baked into the motherboard of your PC, usually stored on what is called an EEPROM 1 and is considerably hardware-specific. Along the way, you'll learn about various other boot … Each operating system has its own bootloader, specifically designed to read its filesystem and locate the kernel that needs to be loaded for the OS to run. It does some health checks to the system. To access your BIOS, you’ll need to press a key during the boot-up process. Earlier we mentioned that an important part of the BIOS’ work is to detect and map connected hard disks. Unlike NTLDR, BOOTMGR stores its configuration in a file called the BCD – short for Boot Configuration Database. The first 512 bytes on a hard drive -- aka Logical Sector Zero -- … The bootloader process is certainly a lot more nuanced and complicated than most realize, and it has both been designed and evolved to work in a fairly-standardized fashion across different platforms and under a variety of operating systems. It scans the IO buses for attached hardware, and identifies and maps access to the hard disks you have connected to your PC. The second stage of the bootloader, stored in the partition bootsector in the bootstrap section and, optionally, continuing beyond it, carries out the next step in the bootloader process: it looks up a file stored on the partition itself (as a regular file), and tells the CPU to execute its contents to begin the final part of the boot process. NTLDR is the old Windows bootloader, first used in Windows NT (hence the “NT” in “NTLDR,” short for “NT Loader”), and currently used in Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. It looks for a peripheral component interconnect (PCI) bus and, if it finds one, checks all the PCI cards. The boot program then loads the next stage, which in the case of Oracle Solaris, is GRUB itself. The CPU follows the JMP instruction and seeks to the beginning of the bootstrap code contained within the partition bootsector, and starts to execute. Regardless of whether the BIOS was configured to boot from a local hard disk or from a removable USB stick, the handoff sequence is the same. Here is a rough sequence of events for the default installation of Debian with the Linux kernel on the typical PC platform. Another bootstrap code segment, containing the next stage of the bootloader process. It can load dozens of different operating systems, and supports custom plugins (“modules”) to introduce more functionality and support complex boot procedures. ↩, There is a huge caveat emptor here: the bootable/active flag is actually a property of the individual (one of four) partition record, and not the partition table (list of partition records) or the MBR itself. Secondly, the MBR also contains a very important bit of code known as the “bootstrap code.” The first 4403 of these 512 bytes can contain literally anything – the BIOS will load it and execute its contents as-is, kicking off the bootloader procedure. Updates to the BIOS were rare and far in between, and could only be done by physically replacing the BIOS chip on the motherboard. As such, this bootstrap code is often termed a “stage one bootloader.” Depending on the operating system, the exact place the bootstrap code searches for the “stage 2 bootloader” can change, but on Windows the stage 1 bootloader will search the partition table of the MBR for a partition marked as “active” which is MBR-speak for “bootable,” indicating that the start of the partition contains the next portion of the boot code in its starting sectors (also known as its “bootsector”). The BIOS firmware comes pre-installed on a … If there are any external peripherals connected to the computer, disconnect them. Entering UEFI Settings for Windows 8: Open the Charms bar and click the Settings button. Depending on the OS you’re loading, it might actually look up a hard-coded partition instead of the active partition (e.g. The BIOS is the lowest level of software th… A Power On Self Test is the first step of the boot sequence. The differences between EFI/GPT and BIOS/MBR. Because of how little space is allocated for the bootstrap code in the partition bootsector, the code it contains normally ends with another JMP command instructing the CPU to jump to the next sector in the partition, which is often set aside for the remainder of the partition code. Once your PC has been powered on, the BIOS begins its work as part of the POST (Power-On Self Test) process. But this represents a close approximation to what you’ll normally see: This is all usually packed into the first sector of the partition, which is normally again only 512 bytes long, and again, can’t fit too much data or instructions. This section briefly describes some of those activities for a typical PC. It bridges all the various parts of your PC together, and interfaces between them as required, setting up your video display to accept basic VGA and show it on the screen, initializing the memory banks and giving your CPU access to all the hardware. The internal power supply turns on and initializes. The BIOS performs a few preliminary tasks and then loads the boot sector of the hard disk. Since it did not find the correct system files, it could not continue. At this point, you’ll normally be presented with an option to quickly hit a key to enter the BIOS setup from where you can configure hardware settings and control how your PC boots. The BIOS is where hardware meets software for the first time, and where all the boot magic begins. If the BIOS does not find a device, it will try the next device in the list. 1. They can be swapped out individually without affecting the whole, meaning you can add disks and boot from different devices without worrying about upsetting existing configurations and operating systems. The Initial RAM Disk (intrd) is designed to … Booting a Linux system involves different components and tasks. The BIOS then displays some details about your system. Computers manufactured in the last few years allow you to enter the BIOS setup using one of the five keys shown below during the boot process. If they do not, there is usually video driver information on another ROM on the motherboard that the BIOS can load. First sector of a harddrive. 6 September 2000. 1. This boot sector is called the Master Boot Record (MBR). The BIOS will try to initiate the boot sequence from the first device. Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this article: Copyright © 2021 HowStuffWorks, a division of InfoSpace Holdings, LLC, a System1 Company. Windows Vista introduced the BOOTMGR bootloader, currently used by Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 10, as well as Windows Server 2008 and 2012. … How small? All rights reserved. As discussed previously, there are many different bootloaders out there. It turns out that, during this boot sequence, the BIOS is doing a remarkable amount of work to get your computer ready to run. It must also read its own configuration file from a regular file stored on the boot partition’s filesystem, so it needs to at the very least have full read support for whatever filesystem it resides on. Boot refers to the process of launching the operating system. Of course, this is an easy fix. BOOTMGR is the newer version of the bootloader used by Microsoft Windows, and it was first introduced in the beta versions of Windows Vista (then Windows Codename Longhorn). The core functionality of GRUB 2 is supplemented with modules, normally found in a subdirectory of the /boot/grub/ directory. This article summarizes the process by which traditional BIOS PCs load an operating system, covering the basics and details of the BIOS, MBR, and bootsector. Most of the people are not interested to know about booting process. All of the major bootloaders mentioned below have support for loading multiple operating systems, a process known as “dual-booting” or “multi-booting.”. The BIOS has tried to boot the computer off of the disk left in the drive. The power supply takes some time until it … Given how tiny the bootstrap code section of the MBR is, the only useful purpose it can really serve is to look up another file from the disk and load it to perform the actual boot process. So the job of the bootstrap code segment in the MBR is pretty simple: look up the active partition from the partition table, and load that code into the memory for execution by the CPU as the next link in the boot chain. The complicated nature of the boot process means that there’s a lot that needs to be set up and configured, and a lot that could potentially go wrong. There are 4 phases to starting up the system: 1. The filesystem header, which will contain information specific to and important for the filesystem itself. INIT. Unlike the previous bootstrap segments of the MBR and the partition bootsector, the next step in the boot process is not stored at a dedicated offset within the partition (i.e. First and foremost, the MBR contains something called the partition table, which is an index of up to four partitions that exist on the same disk, a table of contents, if you will. ↩, Assembly is the most primitive programming language, and consists of individual instructions directly read and executed by the CPU. Your operating system is a very sophisticated boot program that takes total control over your computer. When that got old and tiring, electrically-erasable programmable ROM (EEPROM for short) was developed – with it, an electronic signal on specially-selected pins of the EEPROM chip would trigger an erase, and the chip could be programmed directly from where it was located on the motherboard. Once the BIOS POST and AddOn ROM procedures have completed, the BIOS loads the first 512 bytes from the hard drive of the selected boot device – these 512 bytes are what is commonly known as the MBR, or the Master Boot Record. UEFI has a detailed setting menu, more useful than traditional BIOS. They assume control of the computer and its display, and let you do things like set up RAID arrays or configure display settings before the PC has even truly finished powering up. This hard drive is known as “the boot device,” “startup disk,” or “drive 0” and can usually be picked or set in the BIOS setup. Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy, as my wife would say!! On many machines, the BIOS displays text describing things like the amount of memory installed in your computer, the type of hard disk and so on. The BIOS on newer motherboards is smart enough to even recognize and identify USB devices, such as external drives and USB mice, letting you boot from USB sticks and use your mouse in legacy software. The BIOS, operating system and hardware components of a computer system should all be working correctly for it to boot. After Windows is installed, if you need to switch firmware modes, you may be able to use the MBR2GPT tool.. ↩, Almost every major hardware component now has firmware controlling it baked into its logic hardware, but we’re ignoring microcontroller firmware here. In computing, BIOS (/ ˈ b aɪ ɒ s,-oʊ s /, BY-oss, -ohss); an acronym for Basic Input/Output System and also known as the System BIOS, ROM BIOS or PC BIOS) is firmware used to perform hardware initialization during the booting process (power-on startup), and to provide runtime services for operating systems and programs. Traditional BIOS supports small partitions and drives. If it does not find the proper files on a device, the startup process will halt. [In … Step2: BIOS, then assumes that the boot device starts with an MBR (Master Boot Record) which containers a first-stage boot loader and a disk partition table. Step 4. On modern filesystems for newer operating systems, the bootstrap code can take advantage of enhanced BIOS functionality to read and execute more than just 512 bytes, but in all cases, the basic steps remain the same: The bootstrap code in the partition is not the end of the road, it’s only another step along the way. If the BIOS does not find a device, it will try the next device in the list. It’s the BIOS that’s responsible for a variety of error messages such as “keyboard error or no keyboard present” or warnings about mismatched/unrecognized memory. More information about NTLDR, BOOT.INI, and NTDETECT.COM can be found in the linked articles in our knowledgebase. Unlike BOOT.INI, the BCD file is a binary database that cannot be opened and edited by hand.8 Instead, specifically designed command-line tools like bcdedit.exe and more user-friendly GUI utilities such as EasyBCD must be used to read and modify the list of operating systems. As covered above, the bootstrap code in the MBR will usually load … The kernel is often referred to as the core of any operating system, Linux included. BIOS is the main part of Booting process of a Computer. Setup was unable to create a new system partition: Fix for Windows, IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL – Fix for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, KERNEL SECURITY CHECK ERROR – Fix for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 0x00000109 – Fix for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10, A single JMP (jump) instruction, which is the assembly. When We start our computer and the starting screen comes infront of us..the process between this is called booting process of the Computer. Boot It also means that instead of having one, single bit of hardware/software to configure, setup, maintain, and debug, you instead are left with a intricate and oftentimes very fragile chain with multiple points susceptible to breakage and failure. Unlike Legacy GRUB, the GRUB 2 configuration file is more of a script and less of traditional configuration file. The Role of POST in the Startup Process . Booting from the network involves a different process on systems with BIOS firmware. But whether you're booting a standard x86 desktop or a deeply embedded PowerPC target, much of the flow is surprisingly similar. BIOS is short for Basic Input-Output system. After a firmware and hardware initialization process, which depends on the machine's architecture, the kernel is started by means of the boot loader GRUB 2. They assume control of the computer and its display, and let you do things like set up RAID arrays or configure display settings before the PC has even truly finished powering up. While a number of different bootloaders have existed for Linux over the years, the two predominant bootloaders were Lilo and GRUB, but now most Linux distributions have coalesced around the all-powerful GRUB2 bootloader. After pressing the correct keyboard command from the previous … UEFI runs in 32-bit or 64-bit mode, and the addressable address space is increased based upon BIOS, the boot process is much faster. This is an invalid configuration and can cause many different boot problems though! The Partition Boot Sector. When they’re done executing, they pass control of the computer back to the BIOS and and the PC enters a basic, usable state and is ready to begin. The individual components of the bootloader are, by and large, self-sufficient and self-contained. instead of being the first 2 KiB of the partition, it might be the second KiB or 6 KiB starting from the 2nd multiple of the current phase of the moon) – but the basic concept remains the same. When people talk about bootloaders and boot files, they are often referring to this final, critical step of the boot process. Since this first block, the boot-block, is small and the bootloader is very minimalist and can’t do much else, for example, read a file system or load a kernel image. As each individual component receives life-giving electricity, it is powered up and brought online to its initial state. Well, to put things in context, 440 bytes is only 0.3% of the capacity of an ancient 1.44 MiB floppy disk – barely enough to fit any form of useful code – and way, way too small to do something as complicated as call up the operating system kernel from the disk. While GRUB eventually won out over Lilo and eLilo, it was replaced with GRUB 2 around 2002, and the old GRUB was officially renamed “Legacy GRUB.” Confusingly, GRUB 2 is now officially called GRUB, while the old GRUB has officially been relegated to the name of “Legacy GRUB,” but you’ll thankfully find most resources online referring to the newer incarnation of the GRUB bootloader as GRUB 2. The POST process ends when the BIOS detects a valid system disk, reads the … Boot refers to the process of launching the operating system. RELATED: What Does a PC's BIOS Do, and When Should I Use It? This key is often displayed during the boot process with a message “Press F2 to access BIOS”, “Press to enter setup”, or something similar. In general, install Windows using the newer UEFI mode, as it includes more security features than the legacy BIOS mode.If you're booting from a network that only supports BIOS… The BIOS loads when your computer starts up, and the BIOS is responsible for waking up your computer’s hardware components, ensures they’re functioning properly, and then runs We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected from your use of their services. The BIOS is where hardware meets software for the first time, and where all the boot magic begins. Most video cards have a miniature BIOS of their own that initializes the memory and graphics processor on the card. It doesn't matter if you've just restarted your computer or if you've just powered it on for the first time in days; the POST is going to run, regardless. the bootstrap code can’t just tell the CPU to JMP to location 0xABC and execute the boot file from there) – it’s a normal file stored amongst other normal files in the filesystem on the disk. Thus ends the lengthy journey that begins with the push of a button and ends with an operating system’s kernel loaded into the memory and executed. Once control of the PC has been handed-off from the BIOS to the bootstrap code in the MBR and from the MBR to the bootstrap code in the partition bootsector, and from there there to the executable boot files on the active partition, the actual logic involved in determining which operating system to load, where to load it from, which parameters/options to pass on to it, and completing any interactions with the user that might be available, the actual process of starting the operating system begins. ↩, In fact, the BCD file is a standard Windows registry hive, and it can be mounted for editing with tools like regedit.exe. The BIOS is the lowest level of software that interfaces with the hardware as a whole,2 and is the interface by means of which the bootloader and operating system kernel can communicate with and control the hardware. Once the OS initializes, the BIOS copies its files into memory and the OS basically takes over control of the boot process. See Chapter 5, Booting a System From the Network (Tasks). Jeff Tyson Common keys you may need to press include Delete, F1, F2, and Escape. The BIOS boot process. Choose UEFI or legacy BIOS modes when booting into Windows PE (WinPE) or Windows Setup. At this point, the majority of the BIOS’ work has completed and it’s almost ready to move on to the next stage of the boot process. The implementations of each component can differ greatly depending on your hardware and operating system, but the rules they follow and the process by which they work are always the same. The startup routines and overall functionality of the simpler components like the RAM and PSU is hardwired into them as a series of logic circuits (AND/NAND and OR/NOR gates), while more complicated parts such as the video card have their own microcontrollers that act as mini-CPUs, controlling the hardware and interfacing with the rest of your PC to delegate and oversee the work. When working properly, the boot process is a well-oiled machine, but when disaster strikes, it can be a very difficult process to understand and debug. Information about the device's operating system, Information about other identifiers assigned to the device, The IP address from which the device accesses a client's website or mobile application, Information about the user's activity on that device, including web pages and mobile apps visited or used, Information about the geographic location of the device when it accesses a website or mobile application. When your computer powers on and starts running your operating system, it goes through a series of operations before it actually starts your operating system. The boot process can be initiated in one of a couple ways. The BIOS code is baked into the motherboard of your PC, usually stored on what is called an EEPROM 1 and is considerably hardware-specific. The only thing left is to run what are called “Add-On ROMs”: some hardware attached to the motherboard might require user intervention to complete its initialization and the BIOS actually hands off control of the entire PC to software routines coded into hardware like the video card or RAID controllers. The BIOS will try to initiate the boot sequence from the first device. BIOS 2. GRUB 2 is a powerful, modular bootloader more akin to an operating system than a bootloader. However, for legacy compatibility reasons, the MBR almost always loads the first sector of the active partition, meaning another only-512 bytes. Filesystem itself the hard disk has an MBR, and identifies and maps access to the hard disk an. And loads the OS you ’ re loading, it might actually look up hard-coded! Parts of the active partition your PC has been unofficially dubbed Everything you ever wanted know... To an operating system disk, only one partition can be marked as at! 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